Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Metamorphosis

   Unless someone thinks of themselves as super natural or god like, in order to form an intellectual view of their surroundings they must first go through what could only be called an orientation process, of how and where is the position they personally stand, in relation to those surroundings. This orientation is a prerequisite to enable a valid intellectual view of their surroundings and it must therefore be a neutral position at its first conceptions. Only from this neutral position will the objective self-evident truth of facts become revealed to the mind.
   This method I call; the Introverted Capacity of Introspective Assessment (TICIA). This method can and does occur by chance when the mind is in a total state of confusion or self-denial about ones surroundings or intentionally for the same reason. If by chance; it lacks self motivation and is thus less thorough.
   I refer to this mental process as a metamorphosis of the mind. It enters as one existence or state of mind and emerges as something completely different. It starts out looking inward or introspective of all you know and understand and/or believe you know and understand in minute detail.
    Then establish the truth of fact of each detail that is not incontrovertible as evidenced by your own experiences, and consciously reset to an unknown position for later conformation or acceptance by future analysis or confirmation to establish credibility. Common sense plays a large role in filtering nonsense and a self determining of right and wrong is secondly in importance. For example you might decide that some things society deems to be wrong are not wrong to you, but you must also understand society will hold you responsible regardless.   
   After and during this self mental analysis is established with what only you know to be truth as personal mindsets and directions for your future along with a way to analyze future knowledge one may encounter, absent outside or peer pressures. This isolated self designed analytical capacity will become you, distinct and separate from all others. You’re reasoning process will not accept group think as truth of fact only as a point of reference for personal analysis. All things not known to be evidenced in some material way can only be evidenced by time and resultant effect, to establish the fact, if not the absolute truth of the matter. Antidotal evidence is not evidence at all, because it is taken out of context and presents an extreme view of the whole. Self deceit which is contained in the imagination is the only serious opposition to a successful metamorphosis of the mind. During this metamorphosis one of the things you will discover is no one knows or has answers to everything unless they employ the imagination, which is the liar of all time and space.

   This does not mean that those things you cannot assertion as the truth are untrue only that you have not so far been able to determine it as either, and unless you do specific research to make that determination you must accept that, as you’re own piece of ignorance, if you are honest with you’re self.
   This metamorphosis process might be akin to a solo mediation process about all ones subjective perceptions accumulated from birth, the sooner in life you go through it the shorter the time set aside in meditation to complete the metamorphosis. No living thing enters a metamorphosis and comes out the same way or condition it went into it with.
   I know these things to be true and effective because I went thru them starting in my adolescence due to the intellectual turmoil and confusion in my personal life and surroundings and my search for the truth, and the right and wrongs of life. It was my last ditch effort consciously entered, to avoid insanity as a sociopath. It was an enlightenment and of self awareness that has governed my life ever since. And I can honestly state “I know myself” which my life as demonstrated, that most are not “self” aware!

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