To what practical purpose or value does sound have if no living thing can hear it or understand it? The same holds true for light, or any other of the sensors of the body, if you cannot sense them or understand them they would be valueless tools with no purpose or value to human life. Isn’t it great that we humans have no choice but to experience the benefits of the senses of our own bodies?
A loud sound to an infant gets its attention but sadly it has no attention to apply. If it’s just a loud sound but has no follow up to the child it will learn to ignore it but it will, always be heard. Eventually the child will investigate the source of the sound but when it finds the source will it understand, most likely not? It will most likely chalk it up to Normal background noise in life and learn to ignore it.
The preceding is what has developed between people in general because we make noise just for the sake of making noise, so most ignore it and no understanding is ever arrived at. Normal conversations between people appears to be each person making noise and neither understands the source of the others noise. For all practical purposes we talk past one another and only hear the noise with no understanding.
The more literate American society becomes the more and wider the disparities of understanding between us becomes, and do to the ego no one wants to say I don’t understand what you’re saying! What we do, do is assume we understand instead of demanding clarity and our conversations end up like sound bites on TV totally lacking mutual understanding. We tend to assume what the other persons thoughts are when we don’t clarify.
As a third party listening, I am fed up hearing one say to the other “so what you’re saying is” followed by gross misinterpretation of the others words. A false premise in conversations is the leading culprits and in failing to clarify those false premises leads to pure nonsense. Any conversation that ends with, “we just have to agree to disagree” is a complete cop out and nothing short of having just made noise for its own sake, not an intelligent conversation.
The truth in any matter under discussion is undeniable if the conversation is completely synthesized, and failing to discover that truth leaves both sides of the conversation with but one reality, “neither one knows what they are talking about”. (Just noise)
We all make poor or bad decisions in life but after 71 years of life I can tell you that everyone, that is every bad decision or judgment I made, was always from using my emotions over my better objective thought processes without exception. I can also tell you that through objective observation of my fellow man it appears to me, to be a universal flaw in the character and thought processes of mankind in general.
It primarily occurs for what can only be described as ignorance meaning that when we don’t have the knowledge and/or understanding to make a sound objective decision we humans fall back on how we feel about it. That does not include all those that emotionally think they know and understand everything, it is their home base of thought or thinking at all times, and becomes totally out of objective control completely, through the ego of celebrity.