Saturday, July 17, 2010

Obama & Islam

   The world known truth of fact, when it comes right to it regarding individual human rights, English law and American law set the world standards, which all other nations and cultures only give lip service to internationally.
    The proposition put forth to NASA by the Obama administration that it was due to Muslim countries that advanced the world in mathematics justifies sharing state secrets with them now is only fair, is by all history a farcical understanding of history garnered from his Muslim up bringing.
    At the time in history when Arabic countries were advancing in mathematics they were not Muslim but when Mohammad imposed his Islamic theory on them he damned their efforts toward progress as a people by use of the sword against any and all intelligent people in order to keep them in his century forever as slaves to his will. Mohammad for all intense and purpose was an opportunistic barbarian that would not tolerate decent from his personal dogma and backed it up with brutality and death to any and all dissenters.
   The Arab peoples have as much potential intellectually as any others but can only use it in destructive ways as per the instructions left them via the Koran, on punishment of death even to this day. The true believers of Islam are ignorant barbarians they offer others of this world only to join them in their ignorance or death. Obama is only following Islamic dictate and is only using his western education to further the cause Mohammad initiated, which is capitulation or death.
   Only the most ignorant of humanity could conceive that the purpose for human life was to be satisfied with perpetual sex in the here after. I can assure you that if Allah made anything better than sex he/she kept it for himself in the here after. And to top it off virgins are the worst lay any man will ever get unless he is also sexually ignorant.
   It is this writers conviction that Obama desires to be the modern equivalent of Mohammad over the United States where it is only his personal will and dictates that all Americans must submit to, but American history tells us how that will end.

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