Sunday, August 29, 2010

About The Past

   The past of the great of the Mayan empire the great Egyptian culture The great Persian empire The great Roman empire the lost Continent etc. when it comes to the primary ethnicities highlighted in today's modern cultures just how far back in history can any of them lay claim or deny previous advances or declines of their own ethnicity in evolutionary terms when in all reality the further back you look at the details of the past they become less and less relevant to anyone living today and even the major events of history have no more relevance than the lessons we today can draw from them and certainly no connection to ethnicity. Every culture of humans in all history has had and will have its bigots, racists, bullies and ignorant among them which leads men astray from advancement and/or progress into the future, it is the why of human nature. It has only been the original founding documents of America that has made a serious attempt at correcting the cultural and social errors of earlier humanity.
   While it is human theology that has contributed most to past human behavior by teaching men about what they think god or Allah or what ever deity, wants us to do or what it would do or has done regarding whatever transgressions’ that man has committed. For example; the Jews and Christians teach that god has punished mankind’s posterity for the sins of Adam and Eve. If this was true, it is then logical for man, that he is doing gods work by punishing the ethnicity of others for perceived sins against man and/or God, contradictions not withstanding.     
    It’s like a reputation, you have to live up to it or live it down but you can’t have it both ways, history is fixed and only the ignorant in time will not see it by it’s deceitful presentations by the present. The known truths in human history can set man free from the errors of the past in today’s world, but the deceit and self deceit in our beliefs have to be the first to go.
    This writer knows at this time in history the universal application of known truths is not feasible, so I suggest we start where Americas’ forefathers left off and create the most enlighten nation on this earth as god or Allah most certainly intended. (Skip the middle men and flimflam artists)
    It has to start with accepting history as it was, not how we wished it had been, by all American citizens including your own personal history.

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