Thursday, March 21, 2013

Another Mans Shoes

     Present a problem to ten different people that do not know each other and ask them too independently without consultation put forth a solution. In all likelihood you get back ten different ways to solve the problem. Now present those solutions to ten different people independently that meet the same criteria and ask them to select the best solution by numbering 1-10 w/# 1 being the best. In all likelihood you will not get a consensus for any of the ten solutions. The point being; that people don’t think the same in specific terms nor will they agree in the same specific manner absent influencing each other. So it is with human nature.
   The past (history) is or should be an accurate accounting of events minus the opinions of causal effects unless we just want to repeat them also. We have to make the same choices of history under the same conditions that were present back then; we can never have any certainty that our choices will make any difference as too the result of our actions.
   In today’s world and societies when children commit unacceptable acts we lessen their blame or responsibility based on their youthful ignorance and capacity to understand the gravity of their actions. The historical choices of man should also be in like fashion, to consider man’s maturity on the specifics of history. Even in today’s so called modern world, man is still grappling with and repeating many of the same misplaced choices and judgments of history that we never understood all along the way from then till now.
   Much of it has to do with the perspective of the powers that be at any given time. The powers that be could have been the individual? Ethnicity?, king?, president?, union? Etc; for example; from the prospective of a king, slavery is a good thing if done right and excludes specific ethnicities or classes whereas from an individual perspective it’s only good if their specific ethnicity or class is excluded from slavery and so on. History has never played favorites at one time or another on slavery it all boiled down to the choices of the powers that be yesterday, today or tomorrow.

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