Wednesday, March 24, 2010

God and America!

   In Christianity God gave man his commandments via a middleman, making it clear that only he/she will hold those who violate them to account. God also gave humans the right to disobey via freewill which is an undeniable self-evident worldly truth. God did not assign to any man/woman on this earthly plain, the authority or power to enforce his/her laws not even Jesus. It is only man that lays claim too this self righteous authority over men/women in this worldly life that all men/women share.
   I know of no man/women or organization of men/women that has/had or was given by god the authority to implement God’s will, which can only be known by God. In plain language there neither is, nor ever was middlemen with god’s authority of enforcement of his/her will, upon mankind. Only the most egotistical of mankind claim gods authority and power to punish perceived violations of gods will. So when any given society punishes one of its members it is for violations of mans laws, not those of god.  
   Only the arrogance and self-righteous imagination of mankind could or would dare to take on God’s mantle of authority over men/women, and that also will most certainly be judged and dealt with by our creator in his/her own way and time.
   America’s governance and its worldly authority over its citizens, was establish by men, but in like manner. It also has no authority over the god given sovereignty of its citizens beyond those set forth in its founding documents. And it is answerable to the aggregate authority of those same said sovereign citizens, not the arrogant and self acquired authority beyond its founding authority. And the citizen’s will most certainly judge and deal with the people of government in their own way and time.

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