Friday, March 12, 2010

The Rules of Congress

   The rules of congress are rightfully given by the Constitution to Congress too decide upon. But those rules cannot overrule the constitutional authority that governs them and remain as a constitutional body.
  The rules giving unelected individuals of political party’s active involvement in government is unconstitutional. The creation of leadership roles based on party’s numbers is also unconstitutional. What ever your party affiliation, does not or should not have any basis for committee selection. No caucus should be exclusive of other members that wish to engage with it. Party secrecy in committees or caucuses was never part of the basic constructs of constitutional law making. Random selection is the only way to achieve justice on behalf of the people at large.
The women’s caucuses, black caucuses, gay caucuses or any other special interest are nothing more than balkanization of congress not rules making.
   It is one thing to plot against or on behalf of certain segments of society by elected officials, and is a prosecutable crime of official conspiracy and it is another thing to expect it to be done on the people’s dime and time. To compound this secrecy by party affiliation or any other special interest affiliation is a form of extreme bastardization of the congressional process as set forth by the Constitution. No justification can be made under the guise of making procedural rules stipulated in the Constitution apply.
   This ignorance of American Constitutional government did not happen over night but a slow but sure intentional corruption of the most unique form of government ever conceived by man.
   The idea of departments under the executive branch making laws that the people must adhere to is also non-constitutional. Neither congress nor the executive can re-assign their constitutional rights and authority to unelected bureaucrats’ that is malfeasance in and of office in the first degree.
   A just congressional rule would be; no congressman/women may vote on any bill they personally do not fully know and understand and its full impact on the people. That is the kind of rules that were expected constitutionally.
  If and when we ever have a constitutional convention these are just some of the amendments needed to further restrict the avarice of human nature within government.
   American officials today have no shame of what has been done, but plenty of ignorance of American history and constitutional law. Most modern men/women today believe manipulation of the system is the right way. NOT SO!!

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