Thirty five years ago when my children were in school is the time when my awareness of governmental malfeasance was awakened. My children at that time had no choice but to tell me of various things they were being taught in school simply because they were contradictory to the things I was teaching them. This was not in all cases, because it is a natural thing for kids to want to disagree with their parents, so when the educators in school gave them license to disagree, many contradictions, were not relayed back except under questioning.
My first reaction was to think the kids misunderstood what they were told. This I soon learned was not the case, so I decided to join the PTA thinking I might gain some influence over what my kids were being taught in school.
At the first and only meeting I attended I raised numerous questions and many differing points of view as to those things I had previous knowledge of via my own children. For these efforts I was commended by the teacher acting as chair of the meeting for my concerns and suggestions several times, while citing that efforts to communicate with the school authorities on the part of parent’ was the main cause of misunderstanding between parents’ and teachers’.
After accumulating the questions and points of view of which the majority came from me, the panel sitting at the head table commenced one by one to address each and every concern presented.
Each and every issue was set or cast aside by one or the other of two standard resolves; either the educators knew better how to deal with the issues, or they didn’t have any choice but to handle them by specific directives as mandates handed down from on high by federal authority or lose funding from the federal government. The content of what they teach was always secondary in importance to higher authority, a pass the buck upward kind of answer to avoid accountability. This knowingly done with full understanding that the run of the mill parent lacked the resources to take their concerns higher in the red tape of a giant bureaucracy.
All this left me as a concerned parent to leave with the only statement left in my arsenal, so I told the entire meeting of the futility of their gathering, but with assurance that as far as my kids were concerned I would contradict what was being taught to them and at every turn, point out the lies and deceit being taught in the name of educating them, and that it would be my only hope that very little of their propaganda will take hold.
So if the liberals wonder where all the conservatives today are coming from, it’s from all the kids whose parents got involved with the intellectual abuse being inflicted on our kids by American education. GAP
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