Monday, May 24, 2010

No Excuse!

   Any government of men that acts outside the boundaries originally established at its founding is destined for the trash heap of histories failed governments. What works or what doesn’t work in the governing control of human societies are not the criteria by which one can judge success, but by the method by which success is implemented.
   It is not wither we win or lose that matters it is how the game is played that matters. If we play out side the rules originally established any success we enjoy will be short lived, and treated with distain by the future.
   If all that matters to people is confined within their individual life span without consideration for what follows, those people are nothing short of narcissistic animals not worthy of positions of authority in societies of men. The future has bearing only on mankind and it is the past that shows us the path to failure and/or success in the affairs of mankind and the societies we become embroiled in or with.
   Neither man nor woman can be competent in judgments of anything until they first understand their own human nature and to that, way too many Americans in particular are totally ignorant of human natures existence let alone understand that what they think is influenced by it more so than their learned knowledge in life.
   A wild beast does not have the capacity to think beyond his/her nature whereas humans can and do think to the exclusion of their nature. Yet overall way too many humans cannot escape the bonds of their human nature because they are kept in this limbo by the influence of others within the societies they exist. The past is not the cause of today’s conditions in life for anyone, nor is it an excuse, the past or history is but a mere lesson to be learned as an aid to the future. If one dwells on the past, one cannot live in the present free from it but suffer the effects in perpetuity absent the lessons it should have established. All men at one point in history could be said to be mere savages and without the lessons will remain just that savages.
   In America we are in desperate need of educating our youth in the skill of thought minus the excuses of our human nature. In simpler terms stop teaching our human nature by teaching with human nature. The myth’s of human nature are not true history and create only the savages we once were once again.

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