The big lie that young Americans are living with today is the big lie taught in American schools regarding American history. Its one thing to slant history for favor of the overall country but it’s a crime against the people to teach it as a total lie and rob generation after generation of their rightful heritage among the entire world of mankind. It is taught by telling lies that appeal to the emotions and that can be done by telling it only from the loser’s point of view and antidotal evidence, instead of the whole truth as it was in the cold hard facts of history. Appealing to the emotions in our educational system works as propaganda on all those to young or ignorant that didn’t experience it as it was.
This country was built by the free enterprise and the ingenuity of her people with government as a Johnny comes lately or after the fact, imposing it’s self on the efforts and accomplishments of the people and taking credit for those accomplishments civilly.
The Indian tribes of America were overall by their nature; combatants against each other constantly at war, thieves, slave masters, savages and destroyers of their own environment without regard, long before the white man come to this land. They did not think of the land as something that men owned until the white man moved in along side of them, and then only if it could be profited by them to claim such. The white man didn’t kick them off there tribal lands until he could no longer suffer their crimes against humanity. Until such time the white man wanted only coexistence and cooperation and they only wanted marks and/or gifts of tribute. It was the Indians that desired apartheid or death to wit the white man simply complied by forming reservations as the only means to achieve it.
This is not intended of a put down on individuals within our American population it is simply the cold hard facts of history. In today’s world the American Indian is no longer strictly confined to those reservations and after more than two hundred years most of the American Indians still refuse to blend into the American melting pot and prefer living a subsistent life on those reservations as slaves to their own traditions, seemingly unable to leave the past behind.
Every society on earth has racist in their midst and in many they constitute the majority. (Mexico comes to mind first) It is an injustice for our educators to use anecdotal racism by individuals or groups as a blanket indictment of Americans as a whole; nothing could be further from the truth of our history.
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