Unified Theory of the Human Thought Process
When a human being is born we empirically know it has a physical brain developed sufficiently and specifically as a biological engine that controls the entire body determined primarily by the blueprints in the genetic codes inherent in it, but the personality and character is developed after birth.
Then comes, the mind to which we have only circumstantial evidence of its existence but we know from experience that all imaginative and reasoning of thought is inherent within it.
All things in our human existence that have little to no empirical evidence of form or design are considered metaphysical, if and until we develop physical, empirical evidence. Based on circumstantial evidence alone we (mankind) develop philosophical theories regarding these circumstantial phenomenons such as God, love, origin of a species, universal systems and laws etc.
This theory is based on both observed and personally experienced circumstantial evidence regarding the system of universal human thought. (How we all think) (The art of critical thinking, or not!)
All human thought is developed and takes place in the mind of man and is a separate entity from the physical brain. The brain contains in the frontal lobes a buffering transceiver as its link to the metaphysical mind of man, a window as it were for the mind into the physical world of our existence. The metaphysical mind has the ability to deliberately override the functions of the brain/body and contains all learned knowledge in both subjective and objective categories’ contained in mind-sets in like kind.
The subjective mind-sets are developed, controlled and set by the imagination thru the perceptions’ of the body. (Fantasy) (Imaginative suppositions)Whereas the objective mind-sets are developed independently from, “reasoned learned knowledge”, or by application of reasoning applied to the imaginative mind-sets and are reset after vetting with full understanding in the objective category of mind-sets. The objective mind will not accept incomplete reasoned and vetted knowledge, which is reserved to the subjective and imaginative mind-set category. All the fore mentioned determine this; the brain/body is what you are, while the mind is who you are! The personality and/or character of us all are developed within the mind.
Because the metaphysical mind has this duality of thought processes that can interpret the real world, the question that needs definition is which process is in overall control or doing the interpretation at any given or specific time.
This difference is between the imaginative and the real world of mans existence. We start out in the imaginative and as we physically mature our minds mature in kind into the real world. This is normal with one fundamental glitch for many, that is a learned control switch that makes the determination as to when we mentally function as a pure subjective animal, or when we switch to the real objective and empirical world of our humanity. This mental control switch must be established under the authority of the objective mind in order to achieve full intellectual maturity because it is what determines recess or play time, (imaginative) verses development and growth time (truth of fact)! There is a time to sow and a time to harvest so to speak.
The educational efforts on the part of a society or culture of these principals will determine the development or the decline of that society over time. Each generation must be taught this theory, if cultural progress is to be achieved, continued and unending. The basics of which is; what an individual sees, hears, feels, does not define them or anyone else for that matter. The mind teaches itself, we only need to teach it how to think, not what to think.
They are each unique as individuals, and the sum of who they are known only to themselves. By the time of full intellectual maturity of the individual their physical presence is the least of who they are!
Intellectual maturity is not an education it is the development of a thought or the thinking process in anticipation of an education. It is a process by which the individual not only acquires knowledge but in depth objective understanding of it.
The imaginative powers of the mind are the most effortless and fastest in terms of drawing resolves to the intercourse between us but is also fraught with error and usually governs the earliest stages of human life. Society usually refers to them as smart people. Once a large data base of objective knowledge and understanding is acquired the speed of recall is slower but seldom erroneous in its application. Society usually refers to them as intelligent, then there are those that vacillate between the subjective and objective in thought spontaneously, they constitute the large middle class of thinkers.
The objective Mind-sets do not contain gender, ethnicity, fear or anger among them for reaching a resolve, but recognizes those consideration in thought as subjective only, like when someone prefaces a statement with; “as a woman I think” which is the subjective mind expressing its self. Or that they cannot accept something for consideration because it upsets them in one way or another,
Wisdom and truth rarely comes forth from those locked in the subjective, while imaginative things rarely come forth from those locked in the objective mode of thought. No normal person is permanently locked in either mode of thought that is why the control switch needs to be in conscious objective control, to provide the best overall and advantages conditions for both the animal pleasures and intellectual growth and development of each individual.
In regards to cultures or nations it is incumbent on the people contained within and their thought processes that determines the growth and/or development that each may enjoy or not. Governments can influence but not control with certainty how its peoples think. Those that contain a majority of subjective thinkers will develop least over time.
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