The expressions “you can’t possibly understand something because you weren’t there or didn’t have the same physical experience” is a justifiable expression only if you are trying to understand through your imagination. The imagination may give the mind a closer look only, but lacks understanding.
The core reasoning of the human mind acquires understanding that may or may not include physical experience, but a solely holistic intellectual experience, without the assistance of the imagination. This is called conceptual thought and understanding, and must never be confused with the imagination. If the imagination is in the forefront of ones thoughts no understanding can be obtained, and it is intellectual understanding that separates the human from the animal.
If sufficient objective knowledge in mind-sets is acquired by an individual, new knowledge drawn from the aggregate mind-sets via conceptual thought is not only possible but likely. This knowledge increases by factors over time. And is usually known in society as wisdom, but is really just plain intelligent thinking. Whereas the subjective imagination has only physical perceptions too create its mind-sets, minus conceptual reasoning, thus only physical experience holds any knowledge of value to intellectual thought minus understanding.
All this is like asking the question “why was I even born”, “why do I have to die” and “who the hell am I anyway”? Until one can answer those questions objectively they will remain in ignorance. Objective knowledge and associated understanding does not just come to the individual it must be pursued through objectivity.
The frustrations of subjective thought lead most people to settle for belief or disbelief as the answers to the major questions in life that plague them which does no more than plague their posterity in like manner, they just pass it of with simplicities like “ oh that’s just the cycle of life” or “its just gods plan” , but it still gives no resolve to the questions.
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