Thursday, October 29, 2009

Selling Out

Snap out of it!! Its time for Americas national nightmare to end, but it won't unless everyone comes out of this stupor and regains consciousness with full awareness of what happened, before we were seduced into our comatose state of being. If one looks back in time to reacquire what they once knew and understood, we would find the sounds of deceit as loud as the screeching tires before the wreck.
While our forefathers fought the civil war in order to live up to the promise of “all men were created equal” we didn't notice that too many men of principal were lost in the battles, leaving mostly carpetbaggers and opportunistic, unprincipled people to seize power at all levels of society and government.
That was the time when twisting, parsing, and redefining the meanings of words and in particular those of our founding documents, represented the wreck, but we were in a stunned state of mind which slowed down time and cast most of us into a slow motion intellectual mode of thought where we have remained stupefied ever since with the worst of us playing doctor and nurse.
As it stands today as Ronald Reagan said “government is not the solution it is the problem” and this condition has been put into hyper accelerated mode by the democrat party w/ Obama at the helm.
We need to go back to the civil war period and undo one by one almost every change in law that has been applied starting with all Constitutional amendments and all consequent civil laws created because of them.
We need to reaffirm that government was never gifted the authority to make law regarding human behavior beyond the limits placed on them. They were not given the power of franchise or permission outside the restraints of the Constitution, nor can they grant rights or make laws that take them away, which only criminalize the rights of the peoples pursuit of happiness. All rights stipulated and not stipulated are the peoples by default and our creators gift to the people not governments. They were never gifted the power too nuance the meaning of direct harm to others, like offense taken by some, of the eyes, ears, feelings or the metaphysical. Judges do not make decisions of law but in law, they do not set punishment or apply it nor give orders requiring obedience from legislators or elected officials.
All civil rights belong to the people and the only way government can give a special right is by taking some other right from the aggregate of the people. For example; you have the right to be a homosexual but you do not have the right to force others to accept the fact by law, like force some one to employ you or serve you in any way, except government must treat you equally not specially but in accordance with historical standards of civil human behavior. For someone to attack you is against the law and calls for legal proceeding against them, and for you to encourage or tell other peoples children that your perversion is normal and healthy is also against the law, its called contributing to the delinquency of a minor and also calls for legal proceedings against you.
The civil rights act was/is the most socially and culturally corrupting law ever contrived by the ignorance of government, and is mostly an attack on the individual sovereignty of each citizen than it is providing any special right or protection to some minority or gender.
It is true that the people can have what ever government they vote for, but only within the confines of our founding, anything outside the Constitution regardless the number of people that wish it is illegal, and if instigated anyway is cause for rebellion against the people holding the reins of our government.
The democrat party and the Obama administration that currently hold the reins of government not only violate daily our Constitution but they are trying to change the team of horses and the wagon. They are selling the old team and wagon to the rest of the worlds lesser countries.

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