Thursday, October 15, 2009

Take Your Medicine

Every one with even an iota of common sense knows that sweeping the dirt under the rug solves nothing in the long run it only places the dirt out of sight, thus out of mind. This self-evident truth in American society is lost to our culture in many different ways, but the worst or most serious to each individual, falls under the auspices of the medical profession not so much of what they do, as to the impression or mind-sets they create among the masses through subterfuge by not leveling with their patients. This is all done in a manner liken to medically treating animals. They seem to think that you and I can't handle the real truth, at least as they know it to be.
Most Americans no longer know and understand the difference between cure, healing and treatment. When a maker of drugs, design a drug it will never cure your medical problem it only sweeps it under the rug. It also creates additional problems that any particular body may or may not be able to handle without causing damage to it thus additional risk factors. In plain language most of a doctor’s time and studies are spent pacifying as apposed to curing. When a doctor performs surgery he/she does not cure you, they may mend you, but the body cures or heals itself from both the mending and the original damage. No doctor ever cured anyone, but they might assist the body in various ways to heal and or cure its self.
There has never been a drug manufacturer as capable as your own body it knows precisely what is needed and always is correct in its production of it, so if it fails in this task we can sweep it under the rug or fix the failure which we are incompetent to achieve. It is this incompetence that causes the patient to demand artificial drugs to hide our medical problems as apposed to finding the cause. So they will just say like, your liver or some other organ of your body is not functioning properly but can never answer the big question “why”. That is beyond their competence level, and the patient should never accept guess work even if it's an educated guess because it never solves the problem anyway.
I smoke cigarettes and you might ask why I do such a thing, and I will answer you in the simplest way I know, I smoke cigarettes for medicinal purposes and neither you or any doctor can prove otherwise because for any physical effect you may show on or in my body I can show you a dozen more other things that may be responsible for that effect and you can no more disprove them than I can disprove your opinion of those harmful effects. There are some people that should not smoke just as there are some people that shouldn't eat peanuts or consume too much sugar or salt etc. but punishing them by law is a violation of their Sovereignty as a citizen as it is mine for smoking.

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