The past hates the future for its lack of memory and the future hates the past for the same reason.
One should never try to live in the past, but one should always learn from it.
The past is history so don't drag it into the present, just make new history!
Restoration of past truths is the refreshing of the present and validation of them, absent self deceit.
Self doubt and self deceit are both products of the subjective mind, neither of which exists in the objective and open mind.
The view of the subjective mind is always twisted and full of spin and always expands this distortion over time.
The subjective mind is a cripple that is incapable of caring for itself, lacking self awareness or the truth and cannot be enlightened by self pity or self righteousness.
The mind that is a subjective cripple is always unaware of how it became a cripple and it cannot find the answer via the consistent exercise of the imagination.
The subjective mind learns the answers while the objective mind learns the formulas and they rarely work in tandem.
Time in a life is wasted without objective thought as its guide and reduces man to the level of pure animal.
Most men/women vacillate between subjective and objective thought, the degrees of which determines their intellectual capacity.
For a man or women to be mostly ignorant does not grant them worthy of mental maturity as compared to physical maturity in time.
The single most deficiency of academia is its failure to enhance mental maturity among American youth, they in fact diminish it.
Subjective thought is the harbinger of most mythology and is the cold blooded killer of truth.
It is the subjective mind that predicts the thoughts of others as it pretends to know the unknowable.
A racial or sexual act or word does not a raciest or a sexist make, a raciest or sexist is a state of mind which no one can judge unless habitual or confessed too, otherwise it is but civil abuse.
Criticism just for its own sake, withers public or private is another form of civil mental abuse unless done in a most constructive way.
Criticism to the subjective mind is always perceived as abuse as it can only be view constructively by the objective mind.
The more compacted a society is the more it deters intelligent objective thought and encourages ignorant subjective thought in individuals. (We call it socializing or partying) Comprehensive objective thought is best achieved under solitary conditions or nearly so. Subjective thought is a distraction to objective thought and vise versa.
Historically speaking the best objective minds were mostly solitary in the area of objective thought or thinking while the subjective minds were acquiring social celebrity and it is the same today.
Celebrity rarely produces truly intelligent people unless the celebrity comes as a result of previously acquired objectively arrived at intelligence and never via social or other wise civil networks.
Celebrity, wealth or social standing offers no contributions to the intelligence of individuals.
Mankind can develop tests and such to measure how smart someone is, but cannot or has not been able to measure intelligence, so if you are deemed smart or knowledgeable this is what is passed off in society as intelligence.
Intelligence is a thought process as apposed to accumulated knowledge or smartness which can only act in support of the process.
If one accumulates a vast amount of knowledge and/or smarts, that will make one useful to a society but without the understanding that comes with intelligence, you will never be intelligent, just smart and knowledgeable.
Most truly intelligent people avoid as much as possible social celebrity because they understand how it acts as a deterrent to their own intelligence, its mostly unavoidable do to that which is referred to as the ego.
The most ignorant in society have inflated egos to match with precise proportion, and ignorance is the hallmark of subjective thought that has no understanding to speak of.
I lay no claim to being intellectual but I have acquired enough intelligence in my life to know what it is and is not
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