Within all cultures about thirty three percent of which when losing most arguments; children, fools and the ignorant develop deep psychological problems that ultimately drives them, do to frustration, into the automatic condition of devils advocate where truth, reality and commonsense are nonexistent commodities, and the subjective imagination reigns supreme. The majority overcome this syndrome as adults, the rest are called liberals as adult human beings.
War is war with or without official documentation as much as a common law marriage under the law. The acts of war themselves constitution a declaration more so than words or documents. A congressional declaration of war is only for the official benefit of nations and to enlighten the America public as to national intent in case they may be too dense to comprehend it.
A congressional declaration of war is nothing more than officially documenting the obvious; it in no way is the granting of permission to the executive branch, but a showing of support.
The Korean war, Vietnam war, Desert Storm and others that America has engaged in without a congressional declaration were and are what only can be described as congressional malfeasance by hedging their bets leaving the total responsibility to fall on one person and giving themselves deniability from the outcome if it goes south or credit if not.
The power to declare war given to congress in the Constitution was intended as a backup authority in case we had a weak kneed commander and chief making him or her wage a war wither he/she wanted too or not.
The parsing and hyperbole of American academia and its unholy alliance with political parties is the reason the general public no longer has understanding regarding the very laws that govern our society. The ignorance of academic intellectuals follows in precise tandem, America's unconstitutional social and political decline.
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