The school teacher's job in modern America and their primary responsibility to educate our children has followed the identical path as our government, by reassigning and restructuring their basic organizational structures and I might say unconstitutionally. The entire resultant is to remove and separate public office holders from the public eye or scrutiny. It first started due to inappropriate use of modern technology as a buffer zone. This is sort of like answering machines or computers to avoid or ignore direct communication or contact with those they are supposed to serve and each other. Many large businesses have done or do the same thing.
All the technology available to modern Americans today has both positive and negative applications and if we do not work with it, it works against us individually and as a nation and our entire culture. It all represents the difference between use and abuse, like the difference between music and just noise, sense and nonsense, conversation or just words, teaching or propaganda, government or anarchy etc, etc. this all leads to a society of pure ignorance on a individual basis and repetition beyond the sensibilities of sanity where insanity and ignorance becomes the norm or excepted standards we all must live by, Its not that our modern technology is bad or a negative. We appear not to use it to our advantage but to our own detriment. Like five men with shovels in their hands but only one is using it, the other four are worthless to the task at hand.
The American public began to recognize in the TV news what we called appropriately “talking Heads” and TV news has paid the price for the most part. Well today that is what elected officials have become as well as educators they are empty suits, or figure heads that wallow in the celebrity of public office while unelected staff and party members and others inform them what to say and do.
I don't know about you but when I purchase a computer program, I want more control of the process not less where the program will not allow for what I want it to do is but control of me by the programmers. That is the path to serfdom.
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