As an individual citizen of America I have choices in living my life as I see fit which no one can deny me. We all talk about them day in and day out the catch is, our conversations are usually about what choices are being denied us via the authority of law. The question that then rises, is if a law is unconstitutional or otherwise unlawful its self should it be considered in the minds of citizens a law, when it has no legal authority behind it other than brute force, it is what I call a non-law and is not worthy of the citizens to accept or acknowledge nor adhere too.
The true judge and authority of what is Constitutional does not lie in the hands of Congress or the Supreme Court but in the hands of the people at large. This condition is of their own making by the malfeasance and conspiratorial behavior on display for all to see in the form of tyrannical governance beyond the Constitutional authority they have sworn to defend and protect. Power to the people!!
Look at these scenarios not as sunshine Patriots, but as a true Patriot;
If you and I as ordinary citizens are taxed to pay for things like prisons the more of us they arrest and throw in prison for civil disobedience the less money they have to keep us there. It's a cinch there are not enough cowards and sunshine Patriots in America to hold their socialist system up; it will collapse of its own weight just like the Soviet Union. That's even without the people engaging in violent revolution.
In order to engage in violent revolution requires organization which they will suppress upon inception. If we engage in violent revolution as individuals without an organization at its core it will decay into anarchy which is even worse.
So if we fail to bring American government to heel by our constitutional vote today, because of the depth and degree of corruption that is prevalent, the fore mentioned scenarios are the only options left for the people to employ if we are to ever expect restoration of our sovereignty as individual citizens.
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