As physical beings in the form of and likeness of animals, subjective thought is unavoidable and our primary state at birth, yet we have an inherent objective mind that develops by chance or intention, the choice is ours and the degree of which ascertains our overall psychological maturity. Objectively is the undeniable and self-evident truth of human life and the only pathway to the truth..
As human beings much of our thoughts have habitually been about survival of our subjective selves. Where a few throughout mans history ever seek to understand or even question the existence of our objective selves as separate.
Study, reason or analysis is not an attribute of the subjective mind, which can only use previously created mind-sets from personal experience and the imagination to form conclusive mind-sets and/or calls on objectively created mind-sets with its favorite tool the imagination the polluter of all human thought.
People who are in a permanent or constant state of subjective thought are not aware of the mental state they are locked in, anymore than an animal has awareness of thought, yet they know the difference between subjectivity or objectivity only by the processes of the imagination.
The subjective mind of man is found in the physical organ call the brain and has only physical perceptions to direct it, and is processed by the imagination to create mind-sets both temporary and permanent or conclusive.
That which we call the objective mind cannot be found in the physical existence of our being it exists in what we call the metaphysical or that which our subjective thoughts through the imagination call the spiritual aspects of mankind and which mankind has thus far failed to locate in or around our physical beings yet we know both subjectively and objectively of its existence.
All life on earth starts from a seed within which the human seed contains the germs or if you will, genetic DNA blueprint for our physical make-up and development to our maturity.
It is my hypothesis through objective thought that a germ with in the seed of man, contains either a physical link to the metaphysical mind, or the development of the core metaphysical mind itself, permanently linked to the physical, and it is this linkage that makes and places mankind psychologically above all other animals and gives us the power of reasoning and all the analytical abilities contained within.
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