Real town hall meetings in America have been on a resurgent rise ever since the death of the fairness doctrine in the eighties. Talk Radio is the modern reincarnation of the town hall meetings of old, The Tea Party phenomenon is the resultant political response by the people created by a corrupt election process and its resultant corrupt government that views them as the enemy.
Talk radio has given the people voice more so than even the original town hall system of our founding. The master of ceremony in talk radio will only remain such as long as he/she conducts the meeting in accordance with the wishes of the participants as apposed to lecturing with propaganda that flows down hill like sewerage from the political elite. The debates within must be held to the standards of civility set by the participants themselves. The miserable failure of leftist talk radio demonstrates this truth when their every attempt only results in their town halls burning to the ground, or being propped up by the ruling class.
I would be remiss if I did not recognize Rush Limbaugh as the single most patriot that led the way to re-establish the voice of the people through the shear power of his intellect and the inspiring of many others of comparable abilities. And he did it by espousing the latent thoughts of so many real Americans by which common ground among the people demonstrates the inferior leadership of American government today and its rejection of all things American.
Free peoples cannot be lead or pushed too excel, the only way is by inspiring. Americans were not pushed or lead from our origins, but by motivation, by inspiring the latent talents of each individual to a common purpose which was sovereign liberty of the individual. The more sovereignty individuals lose or have taken from them, the less they are motivated to aspire toward greatness, and they will sink into the abyss of the mediocrity of the rest of the world's nations. Hell hath no fury than That of the will for liberty.
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