“Assumptive thinking” is the prerequisite to all opposition to American society, at all levels of American society. This assumption of which I write is that society in aggregate has some kind of right to make judgments and laws regarding the behavior of any individual or group of individuals’ social behavior, based solely on their perceived consensus of opinion.
Liberals lead the pack in this regard, regardless of how you are successful makes you suspect, at everything you do, and their personal behavior does not contribute in their conclusions, they are above it all.
Average people do not create jobs, the government does not create jobs, ask your self a question what the hell is a job anyway? Well as an individual you could gather together the material and say; build a chair with the ideas and the risk of failing to then sell it to someone else and derive a small profit. If you are successful you might do it again and again. Now this based on time, may provide you with food and maybe housing, but if you get sick take a vacation get married or have children let alone save for a retirement in your older years would be way beyond your individual capacity. So what do you do?
You cut your own income and share it with someone else that will help you build your chairs. But they don’t have too use any of their share, to advertize and sell, purchase the raw materials, provide a place to work, tools etc. “Walla you have created a job”.
Now it only stands to reason, your employee has the same desires in life you have but is not willing to risk anything to get it except time and labor, so he wants you over time to share a larger percentage of the income from the chairs you both produce and he will tell you that he is making money for you, so this is why he wants more of your share. Never mind that he only does a small part in the overall production without any reinvestment in the job with a portion of his share or profit. Taking no risk that the demand for your chairs might slow down or stop, or find out you have stiff competition.
So what you do is give him a raise in time, but hire another person to increase your production but you hire him/her at what his starting share was, again with no responsibility but building chairs. “Walla you just created a second job”,
But now the first hired, decides he doesn’t need to work as hard because he thinks you have just increased your share by a third more, so he slacks off and will ask for an even larger share at the same time. All this is not even considering the employee theft they engage in because you are “rich” so they figure it’s not theft just self compensation. This of coarse forces you to hire stop loss people, to protect all of you, from employee greed.
If the chair business is in a boom period you might repeat the same process a number more times where you have 6-8 jobs created. But when the chair business slacks off, none will be willing to adjust their share proportionately; you will be the only one that has to accept less. And the job holders will keep asking for more regardless of the downturn in business. And it will be their contention as before that they are making money for you, and that you now owe them all, not only more money but that you owe them the their jobs as some kind of right. And if you don’t acknowledge this, they will band together quit working and violently if necessary prevent you from hiring others, and shut-down your chair business. (Walla!! Unions) All backed up by government.
If you cannot manage to overcome their demands, you go out of business and they will then demand through government “the jobs” that “you” took away from them, because you are a “greedy capitalist”.
This represents the liberal and socialist model for all of society, you give the most, and they take as much as impossible. Then we all start all over again hoping beyond hope the next generation learned something along the way. From where I stand that’s probably only a pipe dream.
The moral to this scenario is that personal GREED starts with the individual, not the entrepreneur whose only goal is to make his life better and while helping others that are afraid to risk anything, at least move forward in their own lives, drag them along so to speak.
People get out of life only what they are willing to put into it, if you’re lucky. No one owes you anything beyond your personal efforts. The only free ride in life is when you are not free and that always ends in slavery so it was and so it is.
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