Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tolerance of The Sociopath

Tolerance of social extremes as apposed to traditional precedence goes against common sense as well as thoughtful consideration. All societies have within themselves what might historically be called individuals caught-up in the sociopathic wing of human nature where their primary purpose is disruption of successful civil precedence.
These individuals must cast there sociopathic behavior in a sympathetic light to beg “tolerance” of society, to enable them and their sociopathic behavior of social corruption. Tolerance as a form of acceptance in society does one thing, it corrupts the fabric of civility, crucial to the continuance of a cohesive culture as apposed to solidifying the once purposeful and individually beneficial aspects free, or nearly so of social corruption.
Every sociopath around the globe uses the same tool of tolerance, backed up by the fear of being ostracized by their own. This leads to the establishment of groups and organizations that apply coercive power even violence to further enforce the policies of social corruption and the accumulation of excessive power over the individual, as well as the entire society.
America was a hard nut to crack for these sociopaths, but their persistence has paid off. The entire U.S. government and the bureaucracy that supports it is today nothing more than a cabal of sociopaths that now seeks to continue to make their successes here, global in scale!
There is only one glitch or kink left to overcome in their pathway to world wide insanity, and that kink is the percentage of the American people that have lain latent in their patriotic love of liberty and revolutionary heritage that is stirring up within the traditional and solely American spirit, to quash tyranny wither individual or collective absent tolerance, diversity or forgiveness, they seek only individual liberty or death nothing short of this is on the table.

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