Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obama and Sovereignty

Sovereignty cannot co-exist with fragmented tribalism within any geographic location. Sovereignty is the establishment of singular authority within specified geographic boundaries, and can only be maintained by force.
Tribalism is collectivism without any recognizable geographic sovereignty to others. This is the historical reality and truth that tribalism and sovereignty cannot share the same sentence as they are oxymoronic terms.
Obama’s view of sovereignty shows his ignorance of it historic place in the birth and maintenance of nations. This should show Obama’s incoherent ignorance of history and the nature of man.
We live or die by the bastardizing of long established words, terms, or expressions and the modern nuance of them only confuses the minds of men/women. At this point in the history of men, Obama represents the epitome of worldly ignorance.
America was founded upon a triad of sovereign powers to which he has aspired to one as though is was all three which he himself is ignorant of the other two, or refuses to recognize them. This refusal of state and individual sovereignty in America will be his own undoing as well as that of the current democrat leadership.
Neither the States nor the people will tolerate indefinitely the ignoring of their sovereign authority by these wannabe tyrants at the federal level.
Go figure; that it will be Obama’s ignorance of the term sovereignty that will trump his audacity of hope which he also does not comprehend or understand historically. He fancies himself as a teacher of men when it is he that needs the education.

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