Friday, December 25, 2009

The Young

Americans used to abhor just the thought of accepting the charity of others, today roughly fifty% demand it. That was then this now is standard fare.
All the upheaval in American society starts with personal greed. The elites in the southern states bought slaves for the same reason. Then they had to keep them in as much ignorance as possible in order to hold their power over them.
It is this same motivation to control and power over others that have turned American academia into the peddling of ignorance to keep us as ignorant as possible in order to control and wield their tyrannical power over all. This deceitful repeat of history is no longer even visible to many of our young they wallow in the propaganda and ignorance of American education with the false impression that they are intellectually enlightened were their parents and the older generation are believed to have stopped learning things around the same time they started and they have excelled beyond.
Acquiring knowledge is not a foot race wherein the physical age slows one down so the young can excel over the more mature and experienced of society.
The rate of acquiring knowledge increases with age for most people, not stricken with a physical mental disability. In plain language the only way the young can gain on or surpass the older generations’ accumulated knowledge and understanding is after they die and then they become the older generation. If they do not take advantage of the accumulated wisdom of the past they become less wise than their predecessors. (dumbed-down)
"Without wishing to damp the ardor of curiosity or influence the freedom of inquiry, I will hazard a prediction that, after the most industrious and impartial researchers, the longest liver of you all will find no principles, institutions or systems of education more fit in general to be transmitted to your posterity than those you have received from your ancestors." --John Adams, letter to the young men of the Philadelphia, 7 May 1798
It is not wished that the younger generations believe the older generation just take what is offered into their considerations with serious thought, as apposed to rejecting it out of hand because we may be old fogies.
The younger generations of Americans up to 50th%, are today far less intelligent than the older folks, but seem to chose to wallow in their ignorance and argue nonsensically against the undeniable self-evident truths of history and experience. This does not bode well for their future or their posterity.

No human wants to neither admit their own ignorance nor discuss the issues that demonstrate that ignorance, thus they must make the issues personal like referring to age, faith or social standing as a negative, to conceal their ignorance. This is not the pursuit of truth but the avoidance of it. The modern term of “self denial” is all that is gained.

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