Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Blame Game

   Blaming America as a Nation, for the acts and policies of individuals that just happen to be within her or any of the states that constitute this nation, made up of a Hodge-pod of world humanity is an act of sheer ignorance. Every ill wind that has blown across the American landscape, is the result of America’s outstretched arms too the refuse of the world at large. In this open and free society numerous occasions of socialist or collective ideas polices and practices brought here by others through immigration or communication have seeded them into American society with few of them as compatible with overall American Policies, ideals or principals.
   Only when these seeds blown in on ill winds take root does America as a whole weed them out as unwanted ideas or practices. The interim period of seeding and weeding may take some time, but during such time should not be seen as American acceptance or overall support which has never been the case, nor can it be justified.
   This is where slavery came from, it was not an American idea or part of her principles nor condoned and accepted be her as such from her founding on. It is thus an ignorant act to blame or accuse the whole for the acts of a few in the diversity of the melting pot we call America.
   America has always been in direct contradiction to and with collective or socialist ideas and practices even with the allowance of freely pursuing happiness for the individual, it could be no other way and still have liberty as our beckon call. America as a nation will always clean up the messes of those that think and act like socialists’ they can offer nothing that will or can make her a better nation. These undeniable historically self-evident truths define what America as a nation is was and will always be.
   The world has long been polluted with those who call themselves progressive’s that persist in injecting collective or socialist means and ways into the American way of life, which is and was founded on individual responsibility as apposed to community or government responsibility as the hallmark of American culture.
    America invites the poor and the downtrodden to emigrate here and if they can’t make a better life for themselves here they can’t make it anywhere. America does not invite people here for the rest of us to take care of beyond the opportunities’ provided for self actuation and fulfillment.              
   All the social and cultural ills of humanity can be laid at the door of collective social thinkers throughout the world. Only wannabe tyrants and freeloaders can openly deny the truth of what is stated here.

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