Worldwide government is not feasible until and if humanity can; 100% agree on some very basic human values, regarding the individual, any and all attempts before such agreement can only be instigated by tyrannical force’s.
The American naysayers both foreign and domestic scoff at the idea that America knows what’s right and believe the rest of the worlds countries are just as right in their own ways, on the issues that confront us all as human beings. This more than anything shows the glaring ignorance of human tolerance and diversity. Right is always right and wrong is always wrong and the truth is always the truth, those principals’ are universal through out the entire world of humanity, from an individual view. Every country on earth has what are called outlaws, and many countries are themselves outlaws of the basics of individual humanity, the developed and varying ideologies not withstanding.
I contend that 230 + years of American innovation and success that has lifted most of the rest of the world of nations out of the dark ages, should stand as self-evident proof that America is right and they are all wrong, when it comes to what’s best for mankind taken from the basics of our treatment and laws governing humanity on a individual basis. The founding fathers of America should in all righteousness stand as the founding fathers of all mankind not just America , this should stand as an undeniable truth through-out the world.
All religions and all governments across the world except original America’s foundational laws in the Constitution; have the same purpose, and that is to control and manipulate the individual to their own varying interests and benefit, where the individual is mere chattel. Original America was designed not to control or manipulate the individual, only to control the avarice of our individual human nature. All else was designed as sovereign status for the individual, as well as sovereign status for the individual States. The federal government is only sovereign as it relates to all the other nations of the world, and has no sovereign authority outside the boundaries’ established within the Constitution. And no persistence and nuance or parsing, changes these truths!
All that do not understand this standard and difference’s are ignorant of America and America ’s system of governance. American government is no citizen’s, sovereign, unless you are part of its bureaucracy. By hiring on to government you in effect surrender your sovereign citizen status and come under its authority and cannot lay claim to being just an ordinary citizen. You in effect become a public servant as apposed to public citizen. GAP
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