Excerpts; I AM Sovereign by (G.A.P.)
It was the night of the huge ball the day of the big coronation (on January 20th) when all accounts and no accounts where standing around, and if you were looking for me, I would have been over there, standing with all the no accounts.
The preceding statement defines my self as well as what is referred to as the masses of the people in general. But it’s not about me, but about every American that has neither the opportunity to be heard nor the talent to express it without being smothered asunder by the elites of our society today, whom bear the responsibility for the faction and dissention that is rife throughout American society today. This is not intended to fix blame only cause and we all allowed or gave them free reign.
"The inherent right in the people to reform their government, I do not deny; and they have another right, and that is to resist unconstitutional laws without overturning the government." --Daniel Webster
What does it say about a people that questions whiter their nation can survive the actions and policies being enacted forcefully by a government and president they just elected into office?
The answer is; that way too many of them are as ignorant as a brick. Need I say more? Well!!!, I will.
Political Outrages;
More and more everyday people in positions to know the truth of what goes on inside government, lament each issue and the person or persons involved. Then proceed to make suggestions on how to combat and appose the most outrageous acts. When it’s not the outrages we need to combat, but the individuals that commit them. But in America today we separate the individual from the acts they engage in.
This represents the prevalent level of ignorance in our society from top to bottom, we no longer hold people in government to account, no matter how outrageously they behave, this shows our (the peoples) ignorance not theirs. Apparently we have dropped the words malfeasance, integrity, honor, duty, and good conduct from our vocabulary and replaced them with duh and so what!!
I AM Sovereign by (G.A.P.)
Honesty; does honesty have its foundation in the truth or feelings, more simply stated, of the reasoning mind or the subjective imagination? That said requires no further room for query.
”We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure” Thomas Jefferson
The same men who crafted our Constitution also explained it in detail to the public to gain support for its adoption, they then followed it up and wrote insistently in explanation of every clause and the intent of them all in detail. All of this leaves no stone unturned and requires no modern man to ask why of any part of it, their intents where clarified back then, leaving no room for modern interpretations as to why or intent!
Constitutions Demise;
The American Constitution is the only Constitution in the entire world that was created, drawn up and adopted that had no provision included, that allows change to its original formula. This is the reason all the other countries in the world that have adopted Constitutions as their political base fail, because from their adoption on they are undermined by incessant change and always to the detriment of the people.
"If in the opinion of the people the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit which the use can at any time yield." --George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 emphasis added
I AM Sovereign by (G. A.P.)
Americas’ Constitution has also suffered changes, but not openly or above board but insidiously in fact illegally and in violation of the document itself by those very socialist who apposed it at its’ inception and every succeeding generation of them, gaining support over the years from many differing foreign sources.
Today these socialists believe they have bastardized the Constitution to a point of no return and have formed a new socialist style government incognito, that I call the Marxist Mafia. They are now in charge of all government and like all the other countries of the world to the detriment of the people.
The current president would not surprise anyone if he were to expressed his audacity, went to the National archives, and publicly tore the Constitution up, smirking the whole time, and declaring himself president for life.
I have not heard a single accurate definition of America in seventy years, although I have heard much false insinuation as to what America is not. Like just a few days ago I heard, the president of this country, say that America is not just a collection of Individuals and States! Well I have this to tell him; yes!! That is precisely what America is! And that he defined accurately what America is, by stipulating what he thinks it’s not.
He demonstrated in that one statement alone, the audacity of his own ignorance as apposed to hope, and explained in open style his opposition to the very foundations of our country in order to dismantle it and remake it in the image of Marxist principles with the full unwavering support I might add of the democrat party.
This begs the question where the hell is the requisite indignation and counter balance to these foreign ideas and propositions’ he is so openly espousing? I keep hearing, even from his opposition where they brag about what a great orator he is; no he is not!, if you actually listen to his words minus the rhythm.
“Here comes the orator! With his flood of words, and his drop of reason.” —Benjamin Franklin.
In the Constitutions original form, it truly was a most perfect document!
I AM Sovereign by (G.A.P.)
Defense of liberty;
Under the control of the Marxist Mafia the congress and the president can pass socialist and communistic laws as they please, but it will be rest assured that many will not accept or obey them, in fact defy them, and much unrest will prevail throughout the whole country. It will be this unrest that will force the hand of these tyrants into the application of force, and they are preparing for just such a necessity, which in America can end in only one way with a counter force just like our original revolution started. That is precisely why the founders used the phrase “foreign or domestic” when referring to our security posture.
The American people have always tolerated abuses of their liberties to the extreme before responding to them, and are not weak or passive as was/is the view of every adversary we have every confronted. Americans in general could be said to be latent extremists in regards to the defense of their liberties.
As one of those latent extremists’ and at my age, these conclusions, means only and simply said, that I will most likely not leave this world by natural causes.
"But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations... This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." --John Adams, letter to H. Niles , 13 February 1818
Song & Dance;
We Americans have become so comfortable in our wallows we can no longer see the treachery within our gates of freedom. We have been infiltrated by the worst of the worst yet we still beg tolerance and patience of those who are fully aware, while the American dream; and the city upon the hill are coming down upon us. We as a nation of free men and women are being dismantled by both foreign and domestic interlopers from within. It is almost with glee that we not only watch, but encourage our own demise.
I AM Sovereign by (G.A.P.)
We no longer need to wonder or question why and how a single man speaking gibberish can mesmerize an entire nation such as Germany , and no one tried to stop it. For we are in the early stages of the identical process by which they succumbed to Hitler’s’ rants, and like him; tears apart original and long establish laws and puts himself and his crazy ideas above the welfare of his nation, until its total destruction. We think we are immune from the same fate but human nature is about to send not only we Americans, but the entire world back into the dark ages of human history. The point of no return is in view, all we have to do is open our minds eyes. The mind truly is a terrible thing to waste.
Back in the 1950s on the TV show bandstand, the host of the show traditionally would ask the kids in the audience what was it about a particular new song they liked, the standard clique as a response was “aaah I like the rhythm” it was usually a lousy song but performed by someone they liked. I fear that is how we are responding to our new president’s song and dance, “aaaah we just like the rhythm”. Who says history doesn’t repeat itself?
Benjamin Franklin said it best with brevity, when he said; “Here comes the orator with his flood of words and drop of reason”.
And from me G.A.P.; As a Nation made up of free and sovereign citizens diversity in the objects of our industries is our strength, diversity of our purposes is our weakness.
Resistance, defiance and refusal to adhere to Unconstitutional laws are our only and best methods between election cycles available to all citizens. And I am not talking about the Constitutional law after it was bastardized, but in its original form.
I AM Sovereign by (G.A.P.)
Imaginary, visionary, theorization, these are some of what constitutes the definition of “ideology” the believers in Marxism, communism socialism and every other type of social collective you can think of fit the definitions’ stipulated, they are true ideologists’ by every definition of the word. Yet it is they; whom accuse American Patriots as being “ideologist”,
At the time of Americans’ founding you could have said the founders and other American Patriots were ideologist but as of today our original political system that they imagined and were visionary about and theorized about is no longer an ideology, but established fact, and an extremely effective one at that, which removes it from the category of an ideology in modern times.
This makes the real ideologist red in the face because what they believe in is still imaginary, visionary, and pure unsubstantiated theory even after dozens of failed attempts in application.
All this is pure subjective accusation of ones own intellectual depravity. True American patriots subscribe to the ideology of our founding fathers only in the fulfillment of its application. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
The only weaknesses and/or flaws in our system of governance today are the intrusive applications of socialist theories that have been bit by bit intertwined through the subversive tactics of insurgents’ within. These are the same subversives/insurgents of McCarthyism fame given free reign by our Congress in the 1950s.
Any questions or further clarifications are welcome. G.A.P
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