To be civilized and what in truth that means and why modern man no longer has the intelligence of our forefathers, particularly in the area of civilized human behavior. Many modern Americans are devoid of the knowledge about and regarding human nature that our forefathers understood to its core.
I have to admit that Neal Boortz and his radio show brought all of the following to mind. Here is a guy that decries the possible demise of America not only as a great nation but the possible break down of civilized cultures even to a distant point in mans history. All the time unable it seems to understand the value of hunting or hunters.
He suggested that he was not apposed to people hunting and killing wild animals for the need of nourishment, but could not see any value in hunting as a sport.
His comments came as a response to an asshole not a hunter to his knowledge, that shot some ones horse with arrows. If he had any understanding of real hunters he would not have thought of this asshole as one in the first place. Just because some one can get a license to hunt and go’s afield does not by any stretch of the imagination make them a hunter! The person that shot that horse with arrows is the same kind of person that would hit an innocent person up-side their head with a large board and kill them right on the streets of our so called civilized cities.
The real truth is, the more people try to become civilized the more uncivilized we become. The more we leave the wild animals to fend for them selves the more inhumane is our treatment of them. And the culling of them is to their benefit as well as mans’. Those who develop the skills of hunting are more in awe of the animal world than Neal could ever imagine beyond their beautiful bodies and understand them in more depth.
The development of the skills of our human nature as a predator, are paramount to survival of the human species where humans are not born with the instincts of survival they all have to be developed as a skill set, predatory skill is a major part of that skill set. You can’t fool Mother Nature!
So if or when mankind blows its self into the near Stone Age, Neal can come to hunters to learn how to survive because we hunters are civilized enough to take him under our wings and teach him what it really means to be civilized in a most uncivilized world. Unthinking opinion is not a survival skill except on the radio in an uncivilized society, I guess.
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