Try as I might explaining in simple modern terms is like using a crutch, but here it is; the liberals and the religious pull together moving toward the same political ends in society, yet mostly think of themselves as in opposition. The explanation of this lies in their social outlook in regards to others and their own hypocrisy. They believe in the collective as apposed to the individual which is their common link. A socially conservative religion is oxymoronic.
Liberals and the religious both have mind-sets that drive them to believe that the way others do, is wrong and that their way is the righteous way one should live life, and they cannot convince others in sufficient number no matter how twisted their so called logic, so they must be offensively coerced, by law if necessary. This puts all others on the defensive trying to protect their right to do as they see fit as individuals. Its sort of like having tunnel vision where the goal is kept in sight but the side effects are out of sight.
Personal hypocrisy is a blind spot they both share. Their principles and values are so diverse they are a conglomeration of groups within their mind-sets and to achieve some goal, they will support things that they don’t stand for or believe in just to get support from another group for their group.
It’s always easy for people in power to go along and support by law, some of the most ridicules things because they will exempt themselves, believing they personally will never have to comply with what they impose on others. And it simultaneously garners more social power to them.
I have never met a liberal or religious person in America that thought he/she had no liberty, freedom or was unpatriotic yet they have no qualms about trying to remove the liberty of others, which of itself is unpatriotic, in America.
The bottom line is; how many individual rights and freedom denied, will it take before we all become enslaved by our own laws reducing us all under the tyrants of history?
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