The cost of a college education verses the cost of healthcare? Or both combined and why? Setting aside all the hyperbole, they individually rise in cost proportionately with government involvement in their respective professions. The more government involvement and particularly regulations, mandates and throwing money at each and every perceived problem, always destroys the natural mission that once defined them, which were by their default a purpose for being, has become, being in search of a purpose. Educated research and science has been flooded with people without reason for being, or purpose in their pursuits. Rebels without a cause they exist just for rebellion, their effect is to agitate reality, in the culture that surrounds them. Rather than clarify, their mission, it is to mystify, until all becomes myth.
From a political and cultural view it is referred to as corruption of our American society but that is the excuse, not the answer or solution. The solution is not in the hyperbole of political or social banter; it lies in the ability to recognize our purpose for all we do, without which our national existence has no purpose for being.
What purpose does a fence or barrier have if it does not restrict or contain? Even the past has a purpose in the present remembering of it. But if the past as remembered is myth, its present day purpose has no value beyond occupation of space and time.
Let us disappoint the Men who are raising themselves upon the ruin of this Country. John Adams
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