Knowing enablers of wrong doers are as guilty of the crimes of sociopaths within society as the wrong doers themselves. This includes every voter that knowingly votes for those who would and publicly state their intentions to fundamentally change this nation, America. They are the enablers of the most despicable citizens among us. Under our laws, it is call “aiding and abetting” and is a criminal act.
"Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual -- or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in
human society for which he is accountable to God and his country." –Samuel Adams
It is the most prolific crime though out American culture. For every criminal act committed, there are hundreds some times thousands of enablers. This is all justified by asking us all to be tolerant and teaching this absurdity in our schools, because we the people should tolerate their aiding and abetting of sociopaths.
Reality tells us we cannot punish them all through our laws be cause they have such large numbers. But what we forget is this, a nation of, by and for the individual citizen, and only the citizen can deal out the punishment with sufficient force to bring the enablers in line and our hired police can then control the active sociopaths.
This is not a right we posses and we don’t have to ask permission, but a responsibility we bare as Americans.
We are sovereign citizens’ and may exercise that sovereignty at our discretion that is our right and no servant of ours has authority too interfere with our intolerance of both wrongdoers and there enablers. We need to bring back things like shunning, tar and feathers and the rail to remove them or bring them to heel on a community by community basis including some judges who think they are our parents and we are their children. No judge, politician, or cop has the constitutional authority to make rulings or such over the people upholding their community standards nor can any overrule or set those standards for us, the people, because we are the cultural law not they. They are hired help not our rulers, nor are they the protectorate of the sociopath!! A sociopath and/or their enablers are not citizens but cultural outlaws and accomplishes.
We cannot remain tolerant in perpetuity if we are to be true to our heritage, what is righteous is not religious or criminal it is public virtue and integrity. Cultural corruption can only be made to heel by the people!
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