Thursday, January 28, 2010

Perpetual Motion!

A question that has plagued me and in fact all mankind since the dawn of time is the “question that no known individual or group of same can answer, like explain infinity. The question that is most disturbing is that mankind actually thinks it is explainable, like forever, is an explanation? We humans cannot explain to one another that which we don’t understand ourselves, and we cannot understand the unknown no matter how much effort we put into it, and how much we understand can rightfully be said as a measure of our intelligence.
Putting the infinite aside and just consider a machine with say, ten or twenty moving parts. A human with time and effort can easily figure it out to a degree that could be said to fully understand it without any previous knowledge as to who, what and why it was created in the first place. Maybe even document each part and its function and purpose in depth. Documenting things would save future men/women the time and effort of the investigative thought, giving them more time to utilize the capacity and or benefits of the machine.
Now expand this considered machine to one thousand parts or ten million or one hundred trillion or more, at some point no individual lives long enough to fully understand it, let alone document it, which leads us to realize that no one person could have been its creator in fact thousands even millions of minds and hands created it and no one or group of the creative whole, can fully understand it either, yet it works! Among all involved, creators or users we would necessarily have experts on various parts but none on the whole, it becomes beyond the capacity of any to understand all. Yet the ego of man cannot accept that it is part of that which it doesn’t understand.
What I have just made attempt to explain is not a machine but a dynamic free society that no man can explain or understand its economy or any structural dynamic part of what makes it work so to speak. Any and all interference of or with its various moving parts is the equivalent of throwing a monkey wrench in to its machinery.
All the systems in American society, medical, financial, industrial etc were not designed by government but by the millions of people individually and are thus vastly more complex than anyone or group can understand yet alone attempt to redesign or manipulate without destroying the very complexity that makes it work.
A free unfetter society is what America was designed to be, it was the invention of a perpetual motion and growth machine and if left without interference will remain perpetual, and American government was for one purpose only, and that was to protect it from all interference foreign and domestic period.

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