Monday, November 23, 2009

The Mouse That Roared

One of the things Americans need to have ingrained to the degree that when they hear one thing they think something else. Every time you hear someone brag or otherwise state they are liberal or progressive what you should think is communist, for that is what they truly are and it is their mind-set, they use liberal and progressive as cover words to mask and hide their political objective of communism.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid in fact most all the leaders in congress today publicly have announced they are in fact communist in they politics and intents for this country, America. Unless your one of the thirty some odd percent that thinks “better red than dead”, that is necessary to place them all correctly within their political goals. They are not soviet communist or Chinese communist they are American communist just like Fidel Castro is a Cuban communist that called himself a freedom fighter for democracy until he took complete control then he came out of the closet.
Within history, the first thing communist in power do is what is called a purge of all that do not accept their ascension to power and it is done by spilling the blood of patriots.
Obama is forcefully without regard doing this very thing in similar fashion and given enough reign, the blood letting will follow the destruction he is currently bringing down upon America. He is a communist tyrant if there ever was one. Based upon his public posturing he thinks of himself as an American Lenin, and is waging a communist revolution in America. He is the consummate believer of the socialist, communist ideology to be brought about by insurgency.
He has only one known weakness, that he does, not know his enemy. He no more understands Americans or America then Osama bin laden. Americans will always prevail from our darkest point under his revolution of subterfuge. His fate is preordained only he and his followers don’t know it yet. The entire communist conspirators all around the globe (read; United Nations) will feel America's wrath, and in time he will be known as American history's biggest laughing stalk, (The mouse that roared) and all the time Senator Joe McCarty will be turning in his grave rolling with laughter he will truly have the last laugh and told you so from fifty + years hence!

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