Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The Koran is not a religious document! It is a public edict based in myth presented by a madman for consumption by emotionally handicapped and ignorant people.
The Bible is not a religious document! It is a historical account of a myth presented by organized religion for the emotionally handicapped and ignorant people.
An atheist is a religious faith that believes in a myth that mankind was not created, but just happened by osmoses, and is for the consumption of the emotionally handicapped and ignorant people.
All the fore mentioned documents, beliefs and their associated backers use them as a crutch and control of the emotionally handicapped and ignorant peoples of the world. They represent the adolescence of mankind overall, where mans intellectual maturity is held back by the emotional aspects of life it’s self.
The ego of mankind refuses to acknowledge its own ignorance and lack of knowledge, and will never admit there are things it doesn’t know or understand.
The intelligent design that surrounds mankind in this life identifies a creator s, but mankind so far, is unable to understand it. So we make it up to calm our emotional beings.
Life itself is a search for purpose among the human species, we live and we die and if there is no purpose it drives the emotional aspects of our beings to the verge of insanity.
There is purpose to human life; we just don’t understand intellectually what it is. But to surrender to our emotions does nothing to further enhance or understand the purpose for our existence, and neither does arguing or killing each other over emotional beliefs further or advance our understanding.
Right or wrong does not exist in the subjective emotions of human life. Any ideology that is established on emotion alone is a false path lacking understanding religious or political.
Grasp intelligent understanding and reject the emotional, which is the future if there is one, for mankind to reach maturity where true enlightenment resides. That is not the easy way, but the necessary way to human maturity.
In the aggregate we hold each other back as individuals by the oldest of social punishments called shunning or scoffing which is a hurdle to high for the emotional aspects of humanity to leap over and still be a part of belonging.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Assumptive Thinking

“Assumptive thinking” is the prerequisite to all opposition to American society, at all levels of American society. This assumption of which I write is that society in aggregate has some kind of right to make judgments and laws regarding the behavior of any individual or group of individuals’ social behavior, based solely on their perceived consensus of opinion.
Liberals lead the pack in this regard, regardless of how you are successful makes you suspect, at everything you do, and their personal behavior does not contribute in their conclusions, they are above it all.
Average people do not create jobs, the government does not create jobs, ask your self a question what the hell is a job anyway? Well as an individual you could gather together the material and say; build a chair with the ideas and the risk of failing to then sell it to someone else and derive a small profit. If you are successful you might do it again and again. Now this based on time, may provide you with food and maybe housing, but if you get sick take a vacation get married or have children let alone save for a retirement in your older years would be way beyond your individual capacity. So what do you do?
You cut your own income and share it with someone else that will help you build your chairs. But they don’t have too use any of their share, to advertize and sell, purchase the raw materials, provide a place to work, tools etc. “Walla you have created a job”.
Now it only stands to reason, your employee has the same desires in life you have but is not willing to risk anything to get it except time and labor, so he wants you over time to share a larger percentage of the income from the chairs you both produce and he will tell you that he is making money for you, so this is why he wants more of your share. Never mind that he only does a small part in the overall production without any reinvestment in the job with a portion of his share or profit. Taking no risk that the demand for your chairs might slow down or stop, or find out you have stiff competition.
So what you do is give him a raise in time, but hire another person to increase your production but you hire him/her at what his starting share was, again with no responsibility but building chairs. “Walla you just created a second job”,
But now the first hired, decides he doesn’t need to work as hard because he thinks you have just increased your share by a third more, so he slacks off and will ask for an even larger share at the same time. All this is not even considering the employee theft they engage in because you are “rich” so they figure it’s not theft just self compensation. This of coarse forces you to hire stop loss people, to protect all of you, from employee greed.
If the chair business is in a boom period you might repeat the same process a number more times where you have 6-8 jobs created. But when the chair business slacks off, none will be willing to adjust their share proportionately; you will be the only one that has to accept less. And the job holders will keep asking for more regardless of the downturn in business. And it will be their contention as before that they are making money for you, and that you now owe them all, not only more money but that you owe them the their jobs as some kind of right. And if you don’t acknowledge this, they will band together quit working and violently if necessary prevent you from hiring others, and shut-down your chair business. (Walla!! Unions) All backed up by government.
If you cannot manage to overcome their demands, you go out of business and they will then demand through government “the jobs” that “you” took away from them, because you are a “greedy capitalist”.
This represents the liberal and socialist model for all of society, you give the most, and they take as much as impossible. Then we all start all over again hoping beyond hope the next generation learned something along the way. From where I stand that’s probably only a pipe dream.
The moral to this scenario is that personal GREED starts with the individual, not the entrepreneur whose only goal is to make his life better and while helping others that are afraid to risk anything, at least move forward in their own lives, drag them along so to speak.
People get out of life only what they are willing to put into it, if you’re lucky. No one owes you anything beyond your personal efforts. The only free ride in life is when you are not free and that always ends in slavery so it was and so it is.

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Young

Americans used to abhor just the thought of accepting the charity of others, today roughly fifty% demand it. That was then this now is standard fare.
All the upheaval in American society starts with personal greed. The elites in the southern states bought slaves for the same reason. Then they had to keep them in as much ignorance as possible in order to hold their power over them.
It is this same motivation to control and power over others that have turned American academia into the peddling of ignorance to keep us as ignorant as possible in order to control and wield their tyrannical power over all. This deceitful repeat of history is no longer even visible to many of our young they wallow in the propaganda and ignorance of American education with the false impression that they are intellectually enlightened were their parents and the older generation are believed to have stopped learning things around the same time they started and they have excelled beyond.
Acquiring knowledge is not a foot race wherein the physical age slows one down so the young can excel over the more mature and experienced of society.
The rate of acquiring knowledge increases with age for most people, not stricken with a physical mental disability. In plain language the only way the young can gain on or surpass the older generations’ accumulated knowledge and understanding is after they die and then they become the older generation. If they do not take advantage of the accumulated wisdom of the past they become less wise than their predecessors. (dumbed-down)
"Without wishing to damp the ardor of curiosity or influence the freedom of inquiry, I will hazard a prediction that, after the most industrious and impartial researchers, the longest liver of you all will find no principles, institutions or systems of education more fit in general to be transmitted to your posterity than those you have received from your ancestors." --John Adams, letter to the young men of the Philadelphia, 7 May 1798
It is not wished that the younger generations believe the older generation just take what is offered into their considerations with serious thought, as apposed to rejecting it out of hand because we may be old fogies.
The younger generations of Americans up to 50th%, are today far less intelligent than the older folks, but seem to chose to wallow in their ignorance and argue nonsensically against the undeniable self-evident truths of history and experience. This does not bode well for their future or their posterity.

No human wants to neither admit their own ignorance nor discuss the issues that demonstrate that ignorance, thus they must make the issues personal like referring to age, faith or social standing as a negative, to conceal their ignorance. This is not the pursuit of truth but the avoidance of it. The modern term of “self denial” is all that is gained.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mistaken !

What is a mistake? What is not a mistake? When ever we use that word, and we know it wasn’t a mistake, that’s not a mistake, because a mistake is an error judgment.
An error in judgment to the layman is nothing less than ignorance. If anyone makes an error in judgment that’s their ignorance on display, not a mistake, referring to ignorance as a mistake may be a more civil way of expressing it, but its still ignorance. We should not patronize the ignorant by referring to them as mistaken.
It is the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong and if one knows that difference, but still chooses to go with what is wrong, that is not a mistake or ignorance it is civil deceit and evil intent that’s behind it. The difference between right and wrong is not a social game, except for children and the ignorant adulthood many grow into.
When we are children and want or desire something we just take it, and if a resistance is displayed we strike out and hit others to achieve our desire, the other child we hit, just learned that it is wrong to hit someone to satisfy our desires, but we succeeded by hitting, so we see it as the right thing to do. That is until the tables are reversed, then we learn how wrong hitting is. We now know the right and the wrong of hitting others to satisfy our wants. From that point on one cannot claim ignorance, or a mistake, in the practice of hurting others to achieve our personal desires. This knowledge is then extrapolated into all human activity as we mature; we know and understand all civil discourse and the right and wrong of it on a individual basis.
In society. people don’t lose the knowledge of right and wrong they learned as children, they knowingly chose to do wrong for the sake of child like self aggrandizement and power over others with the ego of evil deceit, and think that all the rest of us are just like themselves and desire the power over others as the right thing. But what they don’t realize is that we know right from wrong, but will knowingly do wrong to them to remind them of what they learned in childhood as apposed to expressing deceit, or the desire for civil power we just don’t want to be hurt anymore.
Politicians are self delusional to think themselves superior in their inferiority regarding right from wrong.
Right will always overcome wrong in time.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Whats the Difference

Communism, Marxism, Fascism and every type and style of socialism known to man have been the cruelest forms of governance ever conceived, for the individual in particular, this is undisputed history. So ask yourself this question; what has changed about those ideologies that makes them acceptable today? What has change about them that makes them desirable for America, as apposed to the ideology of our founding fathers? And don't say slavery because slavery was never condoned or encouraged by our founding, but was and is a standard fair for all the others. So what has changed?
The truth is nothing!! Has change except the number of people today in America that have come to believe that slavery is preferable to liberty and freedom. The aggregate is more important than you, if you don't except that view you are narcissistic. Your very existence and life is only worth its contribution to the whole and must be sacrificed to it.
Being as I was born American free of the oppression of the group and governance it is beyond my comprehension. In my entire life of 71 + years, I have never encountered a fellow American that said they would rather be slave than free. Although I have met many who desired and in some cases demanded what I had, both materially and psychologically and it didn't matter that what I had was hardly anything more than average if not classified as poverty. The only disparity between us had nothing to do with the resources we had, in fact many of them earned more money than me. The difference as I discovered was how we individually handled the resources available. The trade offs where significant, like I cut my own hair instead of going to a barber; I bought clothes off the rack where they bought designer clothes. I chose entertainments with minimal costs where they went high end. I didn't buy drinks for the house to impress others nor spent money on drugs etc. The simplest explanation is extravagance verses frugality yet I and my family ate better always had transportation and over all was never in need. I lived my life within my means for the most part yet many saw me and mine as better off than themselves. The envy was disgusting and they would have no willingness to see the differences. It was like I was evil and somehow I was depriving them.
You might say, it would be like being in a lifeboat and others want a larger share of the resources than you because you appear to be getting along better on your share and in some cases you already get the smaller share.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Al Capone

Al Capone ran what most called a criminal enterprise that when deemed necessary, did violence to further advance itself. It stood for the promotion of and services for human vices and the overall general avarice of ordinary men/women. The American public in general and primarily in large cities encouraged Capone's business, but just did not like the level of violence employed to provide the services they desired.
Human natures fear, lust, and general avarice was what made him and his criminal organization, and it also is what destroyed both. When carried out in the open and in your face style is what the general public detested more so than the actual business itself, so future such entrepreneurs just moved the violent aspects into the shadows of society. In plain language what the public wants, the public gets +.
Wallah! The drug industry, prostitution, gambling and overall graft the exact opposite of the civil virtue and fidelity of public conduct that the founders of America had tasked us as a people by the Constitution's laws they created, and expected would be our guidance into the future. They did not deny their own weaknesses in vice and avarice but required of themselves as well as their posterity to keep them out of the public realm as much as possible for our own sake and the longevity of America as a good and righteous nation.
The question that each individual American must ask them selves today is this; do you as an individual want to restrict you're own avarice in a civil manner, or do you want to continue and accelerate it.
But don't think for one second that any of us is blame free because we go to a place of worship or other such self-righteous delusion, when by even our votes or non votes we have placed in governing office the most corrupt officials ever imagined in our history over as many years, and keep encouraging them to further service our personal avarice and greed. It's not Al Capone or his type organization he ran, it's us!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bull Shit or Reality

The most common expression or response I heard for many years from others was “I don’t’ believe it” when ever I would relate some of my earlier youthful experiences. Some found what I had to tell them as though I was just spinning yarns or such, or they were expanded stories or beyond the pale of normal youthful experiences. But the tales I told were true stories from my own past, and after a few years I gave up telling them because I was afraid I would get a reputation for making things up or even stretching the truth bordering on lies.
Like how do you tell a short story about how you felt as a six or seven year old child being shot at just for fun, or target practice and no less then your own brother and a cousin were the shooters just to see how close they could come without actually hitting you. Only I didn't know who was shooting at me and they were quite far away. That is only part of the story, but everyone thought it wasn't anything more than a tall yarn. In my youth I had quite a lot of what others thought of, as just plain bull shit, so most of my youthful experiences went untold except for those closest to me, and ever then I restricted many tales of my early experiences even to them.
This not sharing of certain experiences went on for many years. Then by the time I reached approximately 55 years old or such, when engaged in just general conversations with people, I started hearing a new phrase from people in regards to things or statements that I might say, this new phrase was “I don't understand”
Now if someone said to you “I don't understand”; how can you explain where you’re coming from without explaining the reasoning behind your comments which could amount to a very large book or story? For myself it takes me right back to many of my life's experiences that I know very few if any, would understand anyway. In plain language many others will never be able to understand without the same or at least similar experiences.
Now, I understand were generational ignorance comes from regarding things like American history regardless the number of written explanations or stories. They just don't understand, primarily because they perceive all that is not of their own experience as false, and even when some things can be verified they still doubt all the rest that can not be verified as just story telling or spinning yarns. Do we Americans have to be enslaved in order for us to understand what its like or to understand how it feels to each individual? Thee predominate fiction and modern deceit by every day average people; never was the historical way of relaying real stories for their posterity. This I know personally!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Summing It Up

Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't; that is the catch 22 used universally by social do goobers of every culture on earth and it represents all of historical genocide among humans. It is the human nature of mankind at work casting stones onto the path that providence has set for mankind we truly are, our own worst enemies.
Where would we be, if people like Alexander Bell or a mired of ‘what if" kind of people said “so what” if it lights up, it just means we will destroy human vision by using it, so we should burn the research, oh but that will pollute the air, no bury it, no that will pollute the earth, maybe just hide it, ignore it or legally seal it from the eyes of all in perpetuity.
Everything or action by either man or nature contains things that are positive and all positive things also have a negative aspects to them and vice-versa. So, what to do? Being as which ever way we go, good and bad exist.
This represents the historical ignorance of mankind since we first appeared on this earth, we are ignorant how in deciding and/or drawing a conclusion in every fork in the road we come to. We humans continually vacillate what we view as and between the good and the bad where what's good today is bad tomorrow. As individuals we have no difficulty deciding about what's good or what's bad for us. The problem and dilemma that faces us is when we try to decide for others what's good or bad for them. There are some universal good and bad, that all can agree on.
Walla!! You now have the founding documents of America which set out only the universal truths of what is good and right for a society and the individuals thereof and made them law. All negative or wrongs ever, in America society, stem from our deviation from the principled tenants of those sacred documents. The real problem for Americans is our historical memory not only American history but world history unbiased by nuance and parsing or reading between the lines and imagining the reality of it..
In modern times the computer holds the historical memory that man seems not to be able to access in real time from the written word or our biology. The mind of man is more capable in processing memory and drawing conclusive direction from it than the computer, but is weak in memory recall.
If you can feed me all the straight honest data about anything, I can draw the best and right conclusion every time and so can any other do likewise, without nuance or parsing or guessing. No pre-summarized data, that is what the minds of men do best and the computer does badly.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Set Your Own Course

The course of your life or mine over time has to be reset many times because of circumstances and conditions that are bumped into or are presented, completely unrelated to the coarse we are currently on at that moment in time and the current development of our own Character. Many of us see the need of resetting as adversity or obstacles and challenges instead of what they are as opportunities for further personal growth.
If you have never experienced the need for resetting the course of your life, you have none, and you are wandering aimlessly without reason or purpose. The course of your life is being manipulated by others and you have no idea where you being lead too, let alone any direct influence over it. Set Your Own Course!!
This personal control, over course and direction of ones individual life I am speaking of, was and still is what guided our forefathers in the creation of The United States of America. As our unique country developed we individually developed with it by resetting our courses individually do to circumstances and conditions made manifest by the development of America and the people that made her what she was.
The view from our government officials at various times is called the “State of the Nation” and our president gives an address to congress regarding his/her view of what it is and should be. This is the reverse of the truth and the reality that individuals know and understand about the country they love. The address to congress should come from the people as the “State of the people as a Nation” not the other way around. It is the people that set the course of the nation by the aggregate of setting their own individual courses in their own lives. Those in governance are not the pace or course setters for America, the people are. In America the sole purpose and authority of government is physical security both foreign and domestic nothing more as it relates to the people.
As citizens of America we are sovereign from government in which we direct the course of our individual lives and only suffer the inconveniences of governments existence for the physical security it provides us. Anything else is servitude and removes our ability to set our own individual course in life.
This relationship between the people and government was set during our founding and it was set in perpetuity not subject to the whims of any fundamental changes conjured up by the imaginary authority of modern nuance.
Absolutely nothing of government proposals today is within their authority to implement short of insurrection.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


"No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass." --George Washington, letter to Benjamin Lincoln, 1788
In the written words of this, truly the father of the American way of life, one can read his wariness of the direction his followers in governance were already desirous of departing from constitutional principles to the point he couldn't or refuse to acknowledge, and knowing full well that it would fall upon him to establish original precedence in the governing of America as a new nation of states. All this with the hope his precedence setting would stabilize the future of American governance.
If he were to see and hear today's governmental leaders he would go back and erase the final phrase in that letter.
The true measure of success in life on an individual or social basis is not wealth, power, influence or celebrity it is within the inherent individual Sovereignty of the minds of mankind. In other words the development of the mind itself, or ones personal psychological development, is which determines success throughout the life of all individuals.
George Washington's last words, “Tis Well”; were meaning personal satisfaction with his own life. Not as historians think he was implying the state of the country. He had many reservations about the future of the country that he played such a pivotal role in creating. He was satisfied with himself and probably the only subjective thought he ever had outside his own family.
The more thought one gives to the lives of others, the less it gives to ones own life. We individually think we understand others and adjust our own thoughts and action based upon this errant thought process. Don't get this confused with narcissism, but if you don't know and understand your own psychological processes you cannot understand yourself, let alone any other, which leaves one to be grasping at straws all through life making the mind a vacuous entity void of value to ones self or any other.
A truly sovereign mind is under the primary control of the objective thought processes, where subjective thought is reserved primarily for the intimate aspects and feelings of life.
Subjective thinking in the activities of society is mostly detrimental to society and ones self. GAP

Monday, December 7, 2009

Real Town Hall Mettings

Real town hall meetings in America have been on a resurgent rise ever since the death of the fairness doctrine in the eighties. Talk Radio is the modern reincarnation of the town hall meetings of old, The Tea Party phenomenon is the resultant political response by the people created by a corrupt election process and its resultant corrupt government that views them as the enemy.
Talk radio has given the people voice more so than even the original town hall system of our founding. The master of ceremony in talk radio will only remain such as long as he/she conducts the meeting in accordance with the wishes of the participants as apposed to lecturing with propaganda that flows down hill like sewerage from the political elite. The debates within must be held to the standards of civility set by the participants themselves. The miserable failure of leftist talk radio demonstrates this truth when their every attempt only results in their town halls burning to the ground, or being propped up by the ruling class.
I would be remiss if I did not recognize Rush Limbaugh as the single most patriot that led the way to re-establish the voice of the people through the shear power of his intellect and the inspiring of many others of comparable abilities. And he did it by espousing the latent thoughts of so many real Americans by which common ground among the people demonstrates the inferior leadership of American government today and its rejection of all things American.
Free peoples cannot be lead or pushed too excel, the only way is by inspiring. Americans were not pushed or lead from our origins, but by motivation, by inspiring the latent talents of each individual to a common purpose which was sovereign liberty of the individual. The more sovereignty individuals lose or have taken from them, the less they are motivated to aspire toward greatness, and they will sink into the abyss of the mediocrity of the rest of the world's nations. Hell hath no fury than That of the will for liberty.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Ignorance of Racism

The modern home of racism lies solely within the minds of historical racist that have failed through out history too impose their racist convictions on all others. The only nation and or culture on earth that has shown themselves and the world to be non-racist, is America. That doesn't mean that America as a diverse culture of ethnicity has no nor had any racist individuals within, but it does mean that overall the American culture has never been raciest in its approach to others.
The historical condition of slavery throughout the world has been opportunistic advantage over the weak, but was never founded upon ethnicity as the primary reason for its adoption, in particular America. From Americas founding and ever since, slavery was and has never been acceptable or tolerable. Historically all nations in conquest, made those they conquered their slaves. America was the first to break with this cultural tradition from her founding on. Slavery was a world tradition before America ever came into existence and many of the old schools of nations today still adhere to that tradition even in the face of Americas example. And today they point their stained fingers at the only ones in opposition to their own slavery bent mentality.
Socialism is slavery, that is the why and reason that acted as the catalyst that led to the American Revolution.
Within American culture today, in fact any culture or part of it, one can find examples that distort the truth and whole of anything. When people are so intellectually lazy, that examples are what represent the whole truth, they are destined to become an ignorant and manipulated people. Only consistent and continued behavior and conditions carry the mind to the truth of social and/or cultural matters and points to the motives behind them and the driving forces of deceitful purposes.
The mythical history of the world and Americas place in it taught in schools, fools only fools all others check it out independently of academia making their mythology a joke to most whom have had to suffer it. Americans overall are not the fools academia perceives them to be. The ignorance that prevails in American society is not ignorance it is optimism and all optimism has a limited time frame which then degrades into deference and is followed by defiance and anger against the teachers of said ignorance.

Tolerance of The Sociopath

Tolerance of social extremes as apposed to traditional precedence goes against common sense as well as thoughtful consideration. All societies have within themselves what might historically be called individuals caught-up in the sociopathic wing of human nature where their primary purpose is disruption of successful civil precedence.
These individuals must cast there sociopathic behavior in a sympathetic light to beg “tolerance” of society, to enable them and their sociopathic behavior of social corruption. Tolerance as a form of acceptance in society does one thing, it corrupts the fabric of civility, crucial to the continuance of a cohesive culture as apposed to solidifying the once purposeful and individually beneficial aspects free, or nearly so of social corruption.
Every sociopath around the globe uses the same tool of tolerance, backed up by the fear of being ostracized by their own. This leads to the establishment of groups and organizations that apply coercive power even violence to further enforce the policies of social corruption and the accumulation of excessive power over the individual, as well as the entire society.
America was a hard nut to crack for these sociopaths, but their persistence has paid off. The entire U.S. government and the bureaucracy that supports it is today nothing more than a cabal of sociopaths that now seeks to continue to make their successes here, global in scale!
There is only one glitch or kink left to overcome in their pathway to world wide insanity, and that kink is the percentage of the American people that have lain latent in their patriotic love of liberty and revolutionary heritage that is stirring up within the traditional and solely American spirit, to quash tyranny wither individual or collective absent tolerance, diversity or forgiveness, they seek only individual liberty or death nothing short of this is on the table.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obama and Sovereignty

Sovereignty cannot co-exist with fragmented tribalism within any geographic location. Sovereignty is the establishment of singular authority within specified geographic boundaries, and can only be maintained by force.
Tribalism is collectivism without any recognizable geographic sovereignty to others. This is the historical reality and truth that tribalism and sovereignty cannot share the same sentence as they are oxymoronic terms.
Obama’s view of sovereignty shows his ignorance of it historic place in the birth and maintenance of nations. This should show Obama’s incoherent ignorance of history and the nature of man.
We live or die by the bastardizing of long established words, terms, or expressions and the modern nuance of them only confuses the minds of men/women. At this point in the history of men, Obama represents the epitome of worldly ignorance.
America was founded upon a triad of sovereign powers to which he has aspired to one as though is was all three which he himself is ignorant of the other two, or refuses to recognize them. This refusal of state and individual sovereignty in America will be his own undoing as well as that of the current democrat leadership.
Neither the States nor the people will tolerate indefinitely the ignoring of their sovereign authority by these wannabe tyrants at the federal level.
Go figure; that it will be Obama’s ignorance of the term sovereignty that will trump his audacity of hope which he also does not comprehend or understand historically. He fancies himself as a teacher of men when it is he that needs the education.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Seed

As physical beings in the form of and likeness of animals, subjective thought is unavoidable and our primary state at birth, yet we have an inherent objective mind that develops by chance or intention, the choice is ours and the degree of which ascertains our overall psychological maturity. Objectively is the undeniable and self-evident truth of human life and the only pathway to the truth..
As human beings much of our thoughts have habitually been about survival of our subjective selves. Where a few throughout mans history ever seek to understand or even question the existence of our objective selves as separate.
Study, reason or analysis is not an attribute of the subjective mind, which can only use previously created mind-sets from personal experience and the imagination to form conclusive mind-sets and/or calls on objectively created mind-sets with its favorite tool the imagination the polluter of all human thought.
People who are in a permanent or constant state of subjective thought are not aware of the mental state they are locked in, anymore than an animal has awareness of thought, yet they know the difference between subjectivity or objectivity only by the processes of the imagination.
The subjective mind of man is found in the physical organ call the brain and has only physical perceptions to direct it, and is processed by the imagination to create mind-sets both temporary and permanent or conclusive.
That which we call the objective mind cannot be found in the physical existence of our being it exists in what we call the metaphysical or that which our subjective thoughts through the imagination call the spiritual aspects of mankind and which mankind has thus far failed to locate in or around our physical beings yet we know both subjectively and objectively of its existence.
All life on earth starts from a seed within which the human seed contains the germs or if you will, genetic DNA blueprint for our physical make-up and development to our maturity.
It is my hypothesis through objective thought that a germ with in the seed of man, contains either a physical link to the metaphysical mind, or the development of the core metaphysical mind itself, permanently linked to the physical, and it is this linkage that makes and places mankind psychologically above all other animals and gives us the power of reasoning and all the analytical abilities contained within.