Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mistaken !

What is a mistake? What is not a mistake? When ever we use that word, and we know it wasn’t a mistake, that’s not a mistake, because a mistake is an error judgment.
An error in judgment to the layman is nothing less than ignorance. If anyone makes an error in judgment that’s their ignorance on display, not a mistake, referring to ignorance as a mistake may be a more civil way of expressing it, but its still ignorance. We should not patronize the ignorant by referring to them as mistaken.
It is the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong and if one knows that difference, but still chooses to go with what is wrong, that is not a mistake or ignorance it is civil deceit and evil intent that’s behind it. The difference between right and wrong is not a social game, except for children and the ignorant adulthood many grow into.
When we are children and want or desire something we just take it, and if a resistance is displayed we strike out and hit others to achieve our desire, the other child we hit, just learned that it is wrong to hit someone to satisfy our desires, but we succeeded by hitting, so we see it as the right thing to do. That is until the tables are reversed, then we learn how wrong hitting is. We now know the right and the wrong of hitting others to satisfy our wants. From that point on one cannot claim ignorance, or a mistake, in the practice of hurting others to achieve our personal desires. This knowledge is then extrapolated into all human activity as we mature; we know and understand all civil discourse and the right and wrong of it on a individual basis.
In society. people don’t lose the knowledge of right and wrong they learned as children, they knowingly chose to do wrong for the sake of child like self aggrandizement and power over others with the ego of evil deceit, and think that all the rest of us are just like themselves and desire the power over others as the right thing. But what they don’t realize is that we know right from wrong, but will knowingly do wrong to them to remind them of what they learned in childhood as apposed to expressing deceit, or the desire for civil power we just don’t want to be hurt anymore.
Politicians are self delusional to think themselves superior in their inferiority regarding right from wrong.
Right will always overcome wrong in time.

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