Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mutual Admiration

   Mutual admiration societies; is my way of describing social collectives that start out to help and/or assist others but end up as simply patting its members on the back and giving each other social awards for being so compassionate as to give of themselves to help others and wallow in their own egos of self righteousness. Like the legend of a thief called Robin Hood.
   They all end up morphing into businesses, and like to call themselves non profit, whereas if anyone makes a living from it, it can not be called non-profit except in their own hypocrisy. They call people being paid “volunteers” the amount of payment is irrelevant, it is compensation or pay to allow them exclusion from minimum wage laws which themselves are illegal under our American Constitution.
   Common cause collectives are an overall benefit to any society only if they are one hundred percent voluntary and strictly limited to direct involvement of and with their founding mandates, receive no government financial or otherwise support, solely of a private civil nature. Otherwise they tend to blend with government and/or are literally taken over by government using the cry of social justice as justification.
    In America; legal justice is the responsibility of government, but social justice and or welfare is the sole authority of the private sector through private means and resources, free from government interference or support but promotion only, and getting out of the way is governments only Constitutional Mandate.

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