Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Truth

What good is an education in modern America if those that have the benefit of it are totally inept at discerning the difference between the truth and a lie on almost everything? Not being able to tell this difference makes for ignorance to prevail in all walks of American life.
It all started when the idea that there was no truth, that truth was individualistic among the people and that there was no absolute or universal truths either. By accepting that proposition we the people agreed to remain ignorant of it, and gave up searching for the truth completely. This was sometime in the early sixties, you know, when the flower children and that wonderful but ignorant generation suddenly became enlightened usually by way of drugs.
Don't get me wrong on this; it wasn't their fault after all they were just children back then. It was the fault of the vast left wing communist conspiracy just spreading its wings after the house on UN-American activities gave the full political recognition and the right to engage in typical political gaming in America roughly ten years earlier. Then they supported them in making the one man that stood against them a national bogey man, Sen. Joseph McCarty.
Well they are not children anymore, but are still just as ignorant and are now in full control of the federal government which means it is their fault today, and we will not accept pleading ignorance of the truth anymore. Their immunity from the wrath of patriots that know the truth has been revoked!

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