Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A question is the mind seeking understanding, but if we cannot identify the mind, which is the source of the question, where do we put the answer. The point being we put the answer into the same unidentified source from which the question came, thus giving this unidentified source, what we call understanding.
Mankind has throughout history searched in vain to identify the mind of man, but always restricted to the physical, meaning if we cannot see it, hear it, touch it, taste it or measure it using instruments to detect and/or record it, it becomes a question from the mind that has no answer or understanding for it.
Almost everyone in America for sure knows what a television is or an airplane but only a few understand with any specificity what they are. This does not interfere with us using these things to our best advantages as individuals as long as they function as expected, so it is with the mind of man.
Science deals with the study of the physical world of our existence, using an unknown tool, which is the mind, and as long as science persists only in the physical, this tool they use, will always remain unknown to them let alone understood to any degree.
Anyone attempting to study and understand a television can attest to how many other fields of study, have significance to it, everything from the human eye to the atom gives substance to its understanding. But it all falls within the known physical world through human perception it never delves into the non-physical world of the mind.
We humans identify each other by our physical presence, which in and of itself gives nothing to the mind which needs understanding, which the physical presence does not give or emit. This also means the mind can know of someone else but cannot understand them. In plain English, the psychological state or condition of each individual can only be understood by each individual it is in truth, a world of existence onto its self alone. It can share tidbits of itself with others only, and even then only via the physical world. Have you heard or even said yourself, “ wow you must be living in a different world than me” as a response to what someone else said to you. The truth is yes they are!
Although humans gather together in societies as physical beings our mind's psychological condition is as different and varied as our genetics.
You might ask, well where is the mind if it's not in or part of the physical being? “Where”, implies a physical place like, where is the universe which doesn't have a place? Only physical things have a place. The mind is metaphysical. Many aspects of the metaphysical have only links or connections to the physical world. Having stated that, I would go further by stating that mankind is the only animal that has this psychological link or connection to the metaphysical, which is the only profound difference we have from all other animals.

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