Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ideology & Ideologist

Imaginary, visionary, theorization, these are some of what constitutes the definition of “ideology” the believers in Marxism, communism socialism and every other type of social collective you can think of fit the definitions stipulated, they are true ideologists by every definition of the word. Yet it is they that accuse with indignant slur American Patriots as being “ideologist”,
At the time of Americans founding you could have said the founders and other American Patriots were ideologist but as of today our original political system that they imagined and were visionary about and theorized about is no longer an ideology, but established self-evident fact, and an extremely effective one at that, which removes it from the category of an ideology in modern times. This makes the real ideologist red in the face, because what they believe in is still imaginary, visionary, and pure unsubstantiated theory even after dozens of failed attempts in application.
All this is pure subjective accusation of ones own intellectual deficiency. True American patriots subscribe to the ideology of our founding fathers only in the fulfillment of its application. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
The only weaknesses and/or flaws in our system of governance today are the intrusive applications of socialist theories that have been bit by bit intertwined through the subversive tactics of insurgents within. These are the same subversives/insurgents and blood enemies of America and of McCarthyism fame given free reign by our Congress in the 1950s, just to spite the crudeness of his patriotic and defensive passions, all in the name of tolerance. They have, and always have been blood enemies of the American way of life. The communists and socialists are and always have been the only vast political conspiracy in America to which the conservatives are mere counter measures in response.
They accused Sen. Joe McCarthy of imagining a communist under every rock, and low and behold as soon as they (Congress) gave them free reign to engage in political gaming in America, out they came from under every rock, in the 60s like little gremlins not in uniform or openly showing their membership cards, (The model for Islamic extremist) and today are running and corrupting our government and every important institution in America, and they also constitute many within the elite class of our culture. Looks to me as though McCarthy was right on, and I have borne witness to this insurgency as it was occurring thou-out my entire life. It was not, nor is not imaginary. Pinch yourself you're not dreaming. The reds are not coming; the bear is already in the house.

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