Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yea Right !!

OK I admit it we didn't use your money for or on behave of the children, let alone any of your children, or the poor and disadvantaged. That being said puts the issue and the facts behind us right? Now how about me taking some or even a lot more of your money to help the poor the elderly and all those who have no guarantee of good health.
In the entire history of mankind no government has ever been gifted the ability to do for, or on behave of men and women that which nature herself or even god cannot or refuses to do. In fact, every time in history when man engages with other men and women to help others, ends up exacerbating the situation.
The missing elements are sincerity and commitment, which are always lost in collective means to achieve good on behave of others; they always come off as arrogant superiority and condescension to the disadvantaged. So the disadvantaged will accept your largess but hate it and you, and only the future knows the true outcome of such efforts.
The best example is right here in America; No single group in all American history been showered with more largess than the black community, America has given of it’s blood in battle to free them from bondage, they have been coddled like no others and given special rights that no others in history can claim, America has clothed them, paid for their housing and medical care for several generations, given them preference in education, business, and government. But they see it not, and loath America for all its efforts. I say this not in the since of all the black Americans but the majority who have only contempt and loathing for our collective efforts on their behalf.
America is not a collective or democracy and consists of sovereign individuals with mutual purpose as such, and if we had remained true to our founding documents and the principles they stood for the blacks of America would have made it on their own or fallen on their face with out America to blame. I personally think, they may well have been what keeps America great and noble place to live and may yet do just that, but not through the likes of a bitter UN-American that wishes only to put all of us under the yoke of socialism including the very people he says he wants to help through his collective means. We already know where that leads, and its not life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

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