Monday, September 7, 2009


All throughout human history there have been and still are people that deserve to be killed and eliminated from societies this is a self-evident truth of history. But these same said people are quite often found among the decision makers of who should die and who should live. This is precisely why the founding fathers of America stipulated that only the people by jury, or natural sovereign law (meaning self preservation) could and should make such decisions. The only exceptions were state Governors, Presidents and military officers in times of war.
If by chance you are a sociopath you have no more value to society than a rabid rat in the floor space or attic and deserve no quarter or the emotional feelings from others. All those who take sides against society with the sociopath, place themselves in the cross-hairs of civil society just as much as if they were the sociopath themselves.
The primary difference between a Patriot and a sociopath is “love of country” were as the sociopath loves only him/her self. It's what is called, “righteous or just cause” which does not exist in the makeup of a sociopath.
Everything a sociopath does within society has at its core what we call ulterior motive and intent with no exception to this rule. This is also why every person in modern societies should develop the intellectual skill of being able to identify ulterior motive in others. Although many people have ulterior motives for things they say and do, the difference is in the degree of consistency of ulterior motive, meaning a sociopath always has one no matter what they say and do. This makes them predictable in their activities within society.
All progressives, socialists or just plain collectivists are sociopaths and thus predictable no matter how they try to mask their intention or ulterior motives, and they occupy every class and level of society they are not confine to any race, gender or wealth.
The more advanced a society gets the more sociopath's it contains, you might think of them as social insurgents they will be against everything and for nothing within any society they find themselves.
I have just described most all the current administration in Washington, most of the elite of American society and most of American Academia. “Go Figure”

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