Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An American Fix

In crafting our American Constitution the founding fathers were not only well versed in history, but so open minded regarding the future they included more than adequate means for us to keep up with it. But in order for us to take full advantage of their concerted efforts, we must retain every aspect of it without usurpation, by which they called the amendment process. It was fully expected that their work was to be or act as a perfectly crafted foundation upon which future generations of Americans could build.
The intellectual skills of the founders of America have never been surpassed by any generation since. A truly intellectual person when researching the works of others does not search for error, but searches for validation that through which, any errors will surface, but if through our ignorance of our human nature we search for error in the works of others, validation is left hanging and thus any and all errors perceived become assumptions. In simpler terms intelligent people search for prove of fact not to disprove facts which has to use, nuance, parsing and twisting of purpose to make things appear false when they may in fact be true otherwise.
The old saying, that it is one thing to be thought of as a fool by others, but it is another thing to open ones mouth and proceed to prove it, fits the modern ways of thought that pollute American minds today.
If the reader views the modern minds of Americans overall as superior to the minds of our founders, stop reading here and read no further, you are lost in the wilderness of human natures’ ignorance, and no effort on my part will help to bring you into the brilliant light of intellectual enlightenment. If you are a reader that seeks truth and the enlightenment that it brings forth and takes pleasure in intellectual thought read on.
There were and are many undeniable truths contained within Americas Declaration of Independence and the specific laws as originally certified as uniquely American in the Constitution, that most all of we citizens of America today can agree on even after 230 + years of parsing, twisting and the nuanced efforts of our human nature.
So let’s start with some specifics;
Most of us still believe we are unique among the nations of the world.
Most of us still believe that our Constitution represents the basic laws of the land.
We all believe our government has checks and balances built into its structure.
Every Americans views him or her individual self as free.
We all believe we have certain inalienable rights.
We all believe that we the people, direct our course as a nation.
Most of us believe we have specific obligations to our fellow man.
Most of us believe in a creator of mankind.
Most of us believe in American exceptionalism overall.
All of these are not convictions but beliefs, past on from one generation to another, without validation or individually vetting them to create convictions. Thus meaning we know not of that with which we individually believe. And it is this we are in need of consideration.
As Americans after 230 + years we are at a impasse, that must be overcome and addressed if we are to continue the basic premise set for us as “self government”, or relinquish self government to some other form of government.
The key element of self government lies within the founders’ creation of the Congress, specifically the House of Representatives, and its organization was intended to limit the formation of cabals within the House with directions coming from constituents’ collected and applied by our representatives within the limits set forth in our Constitution. Political parties as a cabal within congress is a deterrence to good government as well as racial, sexual, religious or etc caucuses’ they are all cabals containing separations’ from the constituencies’ of each Congressman/women.
The founders found, that distance and time between a governing body and the people was a major obstacle to good government, not even considering unfamiliarity of the conditions of constituents, and this applies today in like manner. This in part is why they chose, thirty thousand in section two of article one of our Constitution, as the number of citizens that a single congressman could legitimately represent, at that time. Communication was the major problem between the legislative body and those they represent.
If it is the desire of us Americans to move forward as was constitutional intent, we the people must insist that Congress be reorganized within the context of the Constitution, but according to our present cultural experiences and conditions. As of today there is no value or reason based on the technical development of communications that requires the physical presence of congressmen/women in the capitol, and thus removed from direct contact with their constituencies, “we the people”. They have become independent of us in the decision making processes of our government, the least of us that carries any influence on them is, we the people. It can only be corrected by forcing compliance with something akin to the following.
Suggestions to reestablish the Congress and the House of Representatives and its laws of procedure as apposed to their rules;
1. Establish integrated virtual audio/visual communications to all local home offices among congress members and maintain with the latest technologies available, through which all congressional activities can be achieved. Eliminating the parties and socializing as though they are our elite leaders where favor and money is the primary governing factor. And they are free to create cabals that manipulate the entire governance of America as well as “we the People”.
2. Cut congressional pay by approximately half, and privatize their retirement plans.
3. Establish congressional districts to be no larger than fifty thousand constituents, determined by the census.
4. Limit home office staff to between 10-20 employees.
5. Establish non-partisan congressional staff for technical and research work in the capitol building accessible by all congressmen/women and all reports and or summary reports shared by all.
6. Equal distribution of committee appointments on a non-partisan basis are a must.
7. No exclusive caucuses allowed, and no formation of any kinds of cabals allowed.
8. No political parties allowed special access. And all access by non-officials but party members allowed only proportionately with non-aligned constituents’.
9. Allow for twice yearly, in person, informal conferences between congressmen/women with all rules governing cabals or cliques in place.
10. Official travel limited by necessity, and approval of a non-partisan committee.
11. At least thirty percent of daily time on weekdays, reserved and allocated to direct consultations with constituents by request, with voters given priority over non-voters and scheduled by appointment without time limits but minutes kept on each consultation, on a first come first served perpetual list.
12. Repeal the seventh amendment to return Senators to the authority of State legislatures and apply all the same rules with the exception of # 11 and portions of #1 regarding home offices and their consultations with their respective legislatures’ established by them.
In no way is this a complete list of all the things that America is in need of correcting regarding our government, but it’s a start by putting the people and the states back in their proper authority of creating our own futures’. Many of what may be seen as obstacles’ within these suggestions is for others to coalesce. All the corrections to our unconstitutional laws and procedures would automatically follow. The cost in dollars would be less than all the meddling outside of government’s authority that is currently going on, and the savings would put us all back on sound financial ground. “Seriously think about it”!! You could have had a V-8.

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