Friday, January 8, 2010


Self-deceit represents human natures most significant flaw, to deceive others is a social wrong among men/women, but self-deceit represents the individual development of human ignorance. The people that engage consistently in self-deceit end up in adulthood as self-righteous hypocrites and dwell in a kind of mental purgatory blinded to their own un-utilized intelligent capacity.
Self-deceit can be identified in others by simple observation like; a slave that thinks he’s free or visa-versa, treats the ideas of others as original to themselves, has only one response in conversation, denial, knows little and understand even less, hates others but loves himself. An overtly over-blown ego and is absolutely always right.
In American society today the average honest person perceives such people of self-deceit as conceded but to me that is not descriptive enough, of the mental condition of those living in self-deceit. And while speaking of honest people that’s’ honest with themselves as well as others, they socially have to be deceitful by omission in order to avoid being self-deceitful. This is because a truly honest person in America today knows that if they always speak or write the truth it quite frequently will silently be perceived by many as an unfounded lie with no chance to defend it against those who are living in self-deceit.
Self-deceit is the act of believing ones own lies. Believing is the opposite of knowing and understanding; it has little to no foundation outside of the imaginary. Like believing in a consensus of opinion based on possibility, probability, statistical data points which in the real world are only indicators or inference not evidence of fact, and no scientific or reasoned conclusion can be drawn with out self-deceit of ones own god like powers to know the future or the unknown based on a consensus of unvetted imaginary facts.
The government of the United States, views the people as mere fodder to the terrorist of the world, and persists in the wrongful viewing, of a war being waged against the people, as well as our government, as simple criminal behavior, as apposed to an act of war that gives no quarter or shows no mercy to its victims.
An enemy of such insidious and cowardly character deserves no human rights what so ever on this earthly plain and it should be left to their own stated Allah, their eternal punishment for their crimes against his children. Proving beyond human doubt; That Mohammad was a false profit that never met a man that wasn’t a sucker for want of purpose for being.
Let it therefore be resolved among all the American people;
That; Every American citizen shall pledge that if and whenever or wherever attacked by such enemies, will in kind, not defer to any government or otherwise civil authority that which is rightfully theirs, but answer said enemy in like fashion and give no quarter by merely subduing or taking them into custody, but to summarily execute them at the time and place of any and all such attacks without hesitation or mercy. That is their wish, and we must for the righteous well being of humanity grant it!
Only the honest men/women among our American culture will recognize and understand of which I have stated here, but maybe that will hopefully give them more reason to get in the face of all the fools that surround them.

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