Monday, August 31, 2009

The Moon

The first man or women that looked long and hard at the moon, walked away with the perceptive impression that the moon was made up of green cheese. His/her conclusions were simply, that being they, were the first to perceive the moon as green cheese it must be so, and they want to be the first to take credit for this awesome discovery.
As soon as the word got out many others felt left behind in the world of individual perceptions, so they started looking long and hard at the moon also, only every one of them got a different perception of the makeup of the moon. This created arguments among the people as to the truth of the matter and they even held official debates arguing their points of view based solely on each individual’s perception of it. Over time this degraded into fights among the people where many were killed and injured.
The head honcho of this society decided, that he would decide what the moon was made of, and demand that everyone else was to subscribe to his belief or opinions, and if people were going to die over this issue he would be the one to kill them, thus avoiding anarchy within his province. He was going to save us from ourselves.
All of this took place before mankind develops written history, and I would like everyone to know that I discovered this first and demand social recognition for this profound discovery, and I will fight anybody who says otherwise.
This my friends, neighbors and countrymen is the true accurate and full history of humanity since the dawn of time, and could be told on a small piece of paper and read in five minutes. But I would bet half the people today that might take the time to read it won’t see the truth of it and would like to argue about it, maybe even fight.
This is the human nature of history, and it has not grown or matured one iota since our beginnings. It is the subjective way of all cultures that rules.
America as a Nation for the first time in human history was designed in defiance of this way, thru-objectively arrived at self evident truth for the benefit of “the people”, but our human nature is now reverting to type, discarding the full knowledge of human history in the process.
Debating or arguing the pros and cons of our subjective opinions is what Americans today think is healthy debate, what it is, is history repeating itself.

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