Sunday, August 30, 2009

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time there was “a people” that had courage, integrity, perseverance and above all recognized only nature as their superior and loathed the impositions of other men. No man or woman stood on a pedestal above them and they admired others only and I repeat “only” if they stood solidly on the same ground they stood on.
These people were self reliant and would only voluntarily recognize others to lead them in defense, in all else they shunned all others authority over them. They would risk it all to defend the weak and helpless without batting an eye. They voluntarily gave of their time and industries to assist one another in order to thrive as a whole body of sovereign individuals, and they would not tolerate or abide fools and or the ignorant and shiftless among them.
The only emotional part of my being, beyond my own family, is an undying gratitude to those men and women from which I descended. My fervent desire for myself and my country would be for them to return from their hiding places to once again show the entire world of man how to live an enlightened cultural life with intolerance to the fools, the ignorant and the shiftless leaches we have come to abide and even embrace as equals. I deplore the pedestals’ they stand on and preach to us all of their superiority of which like my forefathers I do not and will not recognize or acknowledge.
Most Americans today who look inward see our present modern cultural condition as progress while I see it as decline, and not without a multitude of reason that only a few seem too see or understand. Yet I understand you can lead ignorant animals to fresh water but cannot make them drink it when they have been raised to drink only tainted cool-aid.
The only segment of American society that still has most of the individual attributes passed down from our forefathers is our military, which is used and abused by all the ignorant fools while they preach tolerance of and to all those who would and are drooling at the mouth in anticipation of Americas’ total destruction.
These fools and ignorant in our government are right about one thing they espouse, “yes many do hate them for what they do, and they get so sick they puke in thought of them” and they should be fearful as officials, of the wrath that so far is being held in abeyance by true Patriots because not one wishes a blood revolution, but tolerance does have a demarcation line which they appear determined to cross like children daring and taunting the beast that lies within his own pride.

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